Everything had happened so fast. I didn't even know that Jacy had been in labor all day. Why the hell would she hide it from us? Hell, she probably didn't even know. Not technically. She just thought it was par for the course.

Still, my baby was here. My little girl, my baby Maya. Jacy and I hadn't discussed names all that much, but we had mentioned a couple to each other, just one every now and then. Maya hadn't even been one of them, but I loved the name. I also like how she had combined our names to make the middle name. And when I asked Jacy later she told me it wasn't just the sounds that she combined, she even combined the spelling of them.

Deek stuck around for a while, and after Jacy was cleaned up and moved to the bedroom with little Maya, she decided to let the other visitors come in. After she put some clothes on, that is. When the three men who had come rushing over with EZ came into the room, the first words spoken by Lucian were: