I was glad that Victor was gone, but now I was stuck. I was still chained to the bed with a splitting headache. I remembered why my head hurt, of course, I had remembered everything. And I would personally rip Victor's head from his body for hitting me with that fucking pipe and taking me away from my baby. He was going to pay. And the price he needed to pay would be his life.

I needed to get out of this mess, though. I wouldn't be able to do anything to help my situation if I was still strapped to this fucking bed. And I would be damned if I was going to stay here. I would do everything in my power to get home. I would return to my baby and my mate. 

I struggled against the chains. I fought over and over trying to get myself free. I pushed, pulled and fought against the chains until they dug into my skin; I still couldn't get free. I was slowly losing hope, but I would never give up.