Things were busy when we first got home. EZ wanted his time with Jacy and that was what he got. And not to mention, that his parents, Laurell and Bechard, also wanted to come and find out how she was doing. 

The two of them had been frantic when they heard that Jacy had been taken. They think of her as one of their own children, so I could just imagine what they were feeling during those hours.

After our friends and pseudo family members left, it was just Jacy, Maya, and me. This was what I was wanting. This was the way it needed to be for right now. Just me, my wife, and my daughter. We needed some time to be alone together, just the three of us.

Maya, being just shy of a month old, wasn't the best company for entertainment unless you counted just looking at her sleeping face. That was something that I could do for hours. I was sitting there, holding Jacy in my arms while she held our baby. What more did I need right then and there?