Chapter 7

Annabelle awoke early the next morning to knocking on the bedroom door. Annabelle wiped her eyes and threw the cover off her. Then she threw it back over her realising she's just dressed a single shirt she found in the back of the closet.

"Come in!" Anna called politely.

Mav entered the room spinning and twirling.

How is she always so happy? Anna thought.

"I've brought you something to wear.. I hope you don't mind me picking your clothes out" Mav had a huge grin clearly enjoying the role she's taken up, then she took a seat at the edge of the bed by Annabelle's legs.

"Thank you Mav, what would I do without you?" Anna felt strong feelings towards Mav, maybe because she saved Mav she felt responsible for her, or maybe it was because even though they only met a day ago, they had been through more real life shit than some friends have in years of friendships.

Also Mav might've been the only real friend Annabelle has ever had, she would not let that go so easily.

"oh.. I almost forgot... I have good news!" Mav exclaimed.

"What is it?" asked Annabelle through a yawn.

"Bea said she will help you... well she said she would try" Mav looked away trying to hide her nervousness. She wanted to tell Annabelle what she had learned about there not being a female Lycan for many generations, and the threat of her father, but right now worrying will only be added to Annabelles already long list of problems, so Mav left that out.

"She's waiting for you in the garden, I'd get dressed quickly if I was you. Bea never did master the art of patience" Mav said about to get off the bed when Annabelle spoke.

"Mav why does your sister live here and not in your fathers palace?"

"Bea never liked the royal facade, the false pleasantries. After years of trying to find a way out herself, our parents finally gave her one. She runs her own operation out here".

"Doing what?" Annabelle asked.

"Protecting our border from the Skrill" replied Mav. "Anyway, get dressed before Bea sends someone to get us".

Annabelle could tell Mav has been scolded more than once by her older sister. Mav is 18 years old and Bea is 24.

"I will get dressed once you leave Mav" Anna gave Mav a sly smirk, "unless you want to stay that is?"

"shut up, I'm going, I'm going" Mav hurried out of the room still laughing.

Annabelle got dressed into the dark clothes and walked with Mav back to the garden that she'd walked through when she first arrived. "Wow" Annabelle said in almost a whisper as she looked around. "This is beautiful" she added as they walked along.

"Bea always loved beautiful things" Mav said simply.

There were rows upon rows of flowers in every colour, all in raised flower beds. This garden was the size of half a football field. The path was cobblestone and accented the wooden flower beds perfectly. Not to mention the different statues. There was plenty to look at.

They approached a large black statue of a wolf standing on its hind legs in attack mode. It looked fierce, Annabelle silently payed homage to the sculpture who must have spent months or years completing this one piece.

"I've never seen a sculpture so intricately designed" said Annabelle in awe as she ran her fingers over the fine details of the fur.

"It's definitely one of my favourites" a voice interjected from behind them. Annabelle and Mav turned to see Bea standing there looking not so happy. Annabelle should have known she was there by that smell, but it was hard to determine the origin as they were surrounded by flowers.

"Ah Bea, there you are... we've been looking all over for you!" Mav smiled trying to look innocent.

"Really? because I've been watching you take a tour of my garden" Bea said straight faced.

Annabelle didn't want Mav to get the blame for their tardiness as it was her fault for wanting to look around.

"My apologies your highness, it's my fault, I've never seen anything like this" Annabelle said gesturing to everything.

Anna caught Bea off guard, last night she didn't speak and now she was speaking directly to her.

"Don't they have flowers where you come from?" Bea asked genuinely, a puzzled look on her face.

Annabelle laughed a little at first before she realised it was a serious question. "Yes they have flowers, I'm sorry what I meant was, nobody cares about them. They usually just get picked and die". Annabelle let out a long sigh as she remembered the harshness of her world. Not that this one was much better.

"If you love a flower you should not pick it, you should water it and cherish it, help it grow" Bea said as she proudly looked around at her garden.

Annabelle found herself inspecting Bea's features once again.

Bea was beautiful, her delicate features made you think for a second that she herself was delicate.

"So what's first Bea?" Asked Mav.

"First your going to go inside" said Bea.

"Then what?"

"Then me and Annabelle can get to work"

"But I can help!" whined Mav like tot.

"Come on Mavello, don't be like that. You know how serious this is we need to be focused" Bea reassured her little sister.

"Am I missing something?" Annabelle asked.

Somehow Bea forgot that Annabelle was even standing there. "No, no, well yes I guess you are but we'll get to that in due time".

Mav left the two alone in the garden, as she walked away several scenarios ran through her head as to why her sister was acting off, there was no use at guessing though, sometimes strange people are just a bit... extra strange?.

Meanwhile outside -

"What do you feel when you change?" asked Bea as she took a seat on a bench next to the statue,

Anna looked away into the garden before taking a seat next to Bea, a big space between them as they sat on either side of the bench.

Bea could tell that Annabelle was reluctant to open up, normally she wouldn't have patience for this kind of thing. But having spent most of the night thinking of how much Annabelle has been through, she figured a little patience won't hurt her this time.

"Come on, I want to show you something".

Annabelle was reluctant but not because she didn't trust Bea, it was because she didn't want to seem weak infront of her, or anyone.

Without a reply Bea got up and started walking towards the back of the house, Annabelle followed. They walked past it and continued into a wooded area, they walked in silence for about ten minutes. Neither of them was uncomfortable with the silence, sharing the occasional glance and smile. Seemingly becoming more comfortable in eachothers presence. They could hear the water long before it came into view.

A waterfall that was probably 15 feet tall. It fell onto a stream that led far down the mountain. There were more flowers here covering the ground in the surrounding area. Bea ushered to a bench that looked very old.

"My mother used to bring me here when I was little. After that it became my safe place, She would often bring me here whenever life got.. a little too much. It's why I decided move back here" said Bea looking up at the waterfall as she had done so many times. It still gave her that feeling of peace, just as it did all those years ago. She hoped maybe Annabelle could find some peace here too.

After this gesture of kindness Annabelle felt a duty to answer the question.

Before she could hesitate again Annabelle spoke.

"It feels like my body is being turned inside out burned and put through a meat grinder at the same time" Annabelle said sarcastically.

Bea let out a laugh that caught them both by suprise, she quickly stopped herself. Annabelles usual self showed an appearance as she said "Are you okay? I didn't know you could laugh".

This only earned her a stern look from Bea who replied "You surprised me that's all, anyway that's not what I meant. What I mean is what do you feel inside?".. "Wait before you answer, I want you to know that you can trust me" Bea said getting caught in Annabelle eyes for a tad to long again.

Bea didn't know why but she felt a connection to Annabelle, maybe it was just gratitude for saving her sister. Or an understanding for how hard it is to grow up the way they had. Meeting someone so like yourself can be confusing at first, especially if you've never even had a friend.

"How do I know I can trust you?" Annabelle asked eager to hear the reply, nobody does something for nothing, especially not a royal.

"I have nothing to gain from you, I want to help you" Somehow Annabelle could sense that Bea's intentions were pure. She broke Bea's gaze and took a deep inhale before speaking again.

"I feel... powerful... then I feel scared, then I black out" Annabelle said with a sad expression as she looked off into the waterfall. Admitting that she is afraid is still foreign to Anna.