Chapter 15


Annabelle POV-

One more day of healing and I should be good to go for the ritual. Gigi is a very wise woman, the way these people look up to her is inspiring. She might just be more respected than Marcus, he embodies the strength of this pack but Gigi, she is the foundation. She holds them together. Maybe I'm talking too soon but I think I trust her.

I know I do that easily but after the first initial shock of me being here, everyone started relaxing around me, even welcoming me.

There are some really interesting people here. Unlike in my world the women here could take any job a man can. It's like they are behind in so many ways technology wise but their values make them so much more superior.

I'm starting to feel nervous about the ritual. What if the spirit of my wolf is not good.

What if he hurts me? or worse if it hurts them? I mean the way Gigi described it, the ritual just sounds like meditation.

But I will have to face my wolf and communicate with him, or try to.

How will I even talk to a wolf? I don't know yet.

I need to speak to Gigi. I have new questions and my nerves are getting the better of me. What if somehow I turn and hurt these people, how could I live with myself then. Sure I've killed people but not good people. I just want to finally be in control.

"Ah, how are you feeling Anna?" Marcus shot me his usual warm smile. I just can't get over how charming he is. The way he treats Gigi is any woman's dream.

Usually a man would be ashamed that his partner has more respect than he does but not him. He was so proud, you could see it on his face everytime someone complimented her. I want that.

"I'm feeling much better thank you, how are you?" I greeted with my usual slight smile.

"I'm great thank you, I'm assuming you want to speak to Gigi?" how does he know?

"I do actually, do you know where she is?"

"She's in the temple preparing for tomorrow. Are you ready?" Damn he can see straight through me.

May aswell be honest.

"I think so, there's just a few more questions I'd like to ask" I told him honestly.

"I can tell you were strong before you received the Gift, you must have been chosen for a reason. The Gods do not have accidents my dear". Does he really believe that? He must or he wouldn't have said it. Even though right now this doesn't feel like a 'gift' maybe Marcus is right and one day it will.

I think I was pondering for a tad too long because Marcus spoke again. "I'm sure you'll feel better once you speak to Gigi" He sent me another warm smile briefly placing his hand on my arm squeezing it and walking away. Now to find Gigi.

I arrived at the temple, the guard went inside, came back out and invited me in. It's the first time I've been walking around alone, it feels kinda nice.

"Annabelle, how are you feeling" She was already waiting by the door when I walked in, immediately throwing her arms around me embracing me.

I froze for a second, Gigi just waited patiently, I relaxed into the hug and even hugged her back.

I'm not used to hugs or anything lovey dovey.

I think she could probably tell.

Father used to hug me when I was younger, but as soon as I hit six all that kinda stopped. We were still close, he just wasn't around as much. The only other people who hugged me was Mav and Bea very rarely. Mav just likes getting in your space. It took me awhile to get used to that. I forgot how nice hugs were. We hugged for at least 30 seconds. It was the most comfortable kinda awkward hug I've ever had.

I'm more emotional that I thought because when I took my head off Gigi's shoulder the wet marks left there proved I'd been crying. Lack of human interaction does weird things to your mind.

"I'm sorry" I tried to say it confidently, wiping my tears with one swipe.

"No need to apologise...come.. sit" she ushered us to the front bench.

This place looked pretty much the same, the only difference was the smell. I could smell the variety of different flowers and herbs Gigi had been preparing. They were set in woven bowls Infront of the alter.

There were six bowls, one was empty.

'what's that for?'

"Florence will go to collect the Orga tomorrow"

Crap I said that out loud. Really wish my brain would let me be sure of my world's before it blurts them out.

"Isn't that for pain relief?" I'm confused.

"Yes, well it's for numbing and healing. Put on a wound it acts as pain relief and helps with infections. When ingested it's a mild sedative and a hallucinogen. It will put you in a peaceful mindset so you can enter your subconscious and commune with your spirit".

A hallucinogen? Will I be tripping out?

"Are you sure this is safe?" did I really just question her, my stupid brain.

"Yes I'm sure. I've done this ritual thousands of times" Phew, she isn't annoyed that I questioned her. I'm still not used to people being nice to me, I think everyone is going to treat me like my mother did... "I know that this time will be different because your wolf must be from this world and you are not. I don't know what you will encounter in there. But I do know that it's your mind, you will be safe".

You can't really blame me for not completely trusting her words, I hope she wasn't lying.


It's the morning of the ritual and I'm either going to shit myself or be sick. I've never been anxious before, I've been nervous and that twists your stomach in knots but this is nauseating.

"Anna, can I come in?" Mav chirped from outside my hut.

"Of course, how are you?" I asked trying to take my mind off things.

She entered wearing a simple pink flowery dress. She really looks like a princess no matter where she is. No one here apart from Bea and Mav even know that I'm one. Well I guess I'm not one anymore. My new title is Lycan Girl. I really need to change this, I hate it when people don't use my name. Yeah maybe Annabelle doesn't ring strength but still.

"I'm great thank you Anna. My mate and I have been discussing what we should do about our living arrangements...I..I just don't know how I could leave the Palace forever" she said all pouty.

"Mav, I don't know what it's like to find your Mate, but I'm sure you know in your heart whether Sam is worth it" I patted her shoulder reassuringly.

"I think he is...It's even better than I imagined Anna. It's like you didn't know you've been falling all your life and suddenly someone just reaches out and catches you".. I looked at her as if to say... you just answered your own question, I think she got the hint.

"Your right, I'm going to tell him....Oh God then I have to tell father, he will want to know where I live and I can't tell him...What am I going to do?". The panic became clear in her voice.

"Mav, breath, take things one day at a time. Don't ruin your present because your living in the future".

"Oh your right Annabelle, your always right" she said throwing her arms over me. Any excuse for a hug.

"All right, all right that's enough" I laughed playfully shrugging her off me.

I wonder if they are ready for me at the temple, and who's going to be there? will it just be me and Gigi or..

"Do you want me to walk with you?" Mav asked as she linked her arm with mine, like I have a choice?

I think I'm actually glad she's here, maybe if she wasn't I'd back out. She could probably see I was thinking about it and that's why she asked.

"Thank you"..

It was a short walk to the temple, Mav was mostly talking about how Handsome and kind Sam is. About how he's picked her flowers everyday, and sets up lunches for the two of them. He really does sound like a sweet guy, they really deserve eachother. I still can't believe how they met, what a crazy world.

As we approached the temple my nerves started kicking in again, I've got to do this..I've got to do this...I mean I could ask to do it another day?...Maybe.. The guard on the door stood waiting for me with a questioning gaze only making things worse.

"Hey Anna, you've got this okay" Bea appeared with perfect timing and she knows just what to say.

"I hope your right" I sighed before dropping Mavs arm looking straight ahead and entering the temple.

Gigi and Marcus were stood at the alter mixing herbs. The benches had all been moved, a huge Cresent moon was drawn on the floor in white wax, many small candles spaced apart on the line of it, inside were two red pillows, one laid in front of the other. This is actually abit spooky. Marcus and Gigi both greeted me with welcoming smiles. "Hello Anna, I'll be with you in a moment" Gigi said before turning to Marcus. "Where is Florence? She was supposed to be here twenty minutes ago" Gigi tried to whisper to Marcus but I could hear them easily, does she think I can't?. My hearing must be superior to theirs, that's a plus.

"She will be here my love, you worry too much" whispered Marcus leaving a light peck on her cheek.

Her cheeks went rosy red, it's so sweet how he still makes her blush. I always thought old people were just angry and smelt like farts, or old soap. That's probably a bit biased since the only old people encountered were my grandparents, nasty leeches they were. As soon as my father married my mother and became the King of Fortis my grandfather grew jealous and bitter, my mother really takes after her parents.

But anyway as I was saying, being old here really isn't old. It's more likely to be killed here than die of old age. And the purer your blood, the more powerful you are so I really don't know how old someone could get.

"She's here!" the door guard shouted right next to me making me almost jump out of my skin.

"Sorry I'm late Gigi, I had to wait for a group of Skrill to pass on the way back" A woman who looked abit older than me just walked in. She has the sweetest voice. And now I'm nervous again, not because of the ritual but because damn, she is so beautiful. She didn't even look at me. She just walked straight past like I wasn't even there.

She smells like strawberry jelly and vanilla. Her long hair is brown with red tints that shine in the light. Her eyes are a pale blue that's almost white. She is quite a bit smaller than me, she sounds vaguely familiar, but I can't quite put my finger on it. Maybe she reminds me of someone.

"Thank you Florence I was begining to worry"

Gigi took the plant and began mashing it into a pulp with a mortar and pestle. After the Orga was mushed along with the other plants, she put them into one single bowl and mixed them together. This is quite interesting to watch. It didn't take long.

"Florence, Marcus, you can go now" Gigi said noticing we were all just watching her. I guess they found it as satisfying as I did.

Even though I had stood right next to Florence she still wouldn't look at me, is there something wrong with my face, no of course not. Maybe it's because I didn't say anything to her, she did walk four hours for me and I didn't thank her, yeah that's probably it.

Me and Gigi were left alone.

Gigi had directed me to one of the pillows inside the Cresent moon and candles. We were sitting Infront of each other. Gigi mixed the herbs one last time before putting a dollop in a cup, mixing in some water and passing it to me. I took a whiff and instantly scrunched my nose at the foul odour. That's disgusting.

"It smells worse than it tastes. Just drink as much as you can, as fast as you can okay" Gigi said that like I'm a sick child taking medicine. I guess I'm acting like a sick child taking medicine. Ok, let's do this.

Gigi lied, it's much, much worse than it smells, oh God, the bitterness is in my throat.

After the second mouthful my tongue went numb, I couldn't taste it anymore, I continued to drink until the cup was empty. I'm betting she knew that would happen that's why she said drink as much as you can. Now my throat is numb, my fingers. It's spreading up my arms and through the rest of my body.

"Lie back dear" said Gigi in a soothing voice.

I was already starting to drift.

She lifted me forward and laid me back down so my head was on the pillow. I was still awake, just kind of immobilised in a nice way.

I broke my arm falling down the castle stairs once and was put on morphine. That's kind of like this.

Gigi knelt on the other pillow by my head and began chanting. I have no idea what language it is, all I know is with every word she hums I feel like I'm being dragged backwards. Getting further... and further...


Wait I remember this place, the woven trees, the prickly bramble wall. Why did I wake up here?.

I want to call out to see if anyone is there but, maybe I'll just follow the path.

I made my way to the edge of the lake and,

"Who's there?!" A voice bellowed, the deep tone echoed through the air. I may aswell aswell address myself. I looked over to the origin of the voice. A man with long grey hair and a matching grey beard. His wrinkles were deep, his eyes were sunken. He looked a hundred years old.

"My name is Annabelle.. sir" I said with all the courage I could muster.

It took five seconds for him to be standing right Infront of me, he smells dusty, like the back of an old wardrobe. "Ah I should have known it was you, who else could it be, ahaha" he laughed to himself.

"I'm sorry, do I know you?" I said it as nicely as I could hoping not to offend this crazy looking man.

"No I guess not Annabelle.. but I know you. I was waiting...I don't know how long I waited for someone who could hear me...but you did" he smiled sincerely joyful.


"I am the first of my kind, the humans thought if they could kill me the rest of my kind would run to the shadows and die out. When none of their plans worked they decided to team up with witches"...

I don't know what any of this means for me but I'm interested in his story.

"The witches do not believe in killing, so they decided to banish me instead. In your world my form could never be complete. So the witches contained me in that God awful chest. Somehow when our souls connected we both got transported here"...

"Souls connected?" I asked in a somewhat spooked tone. Does that mean we share a soul? Is he the one taking control of my body when Im a wolf. What the hell dude.

"We are connected, I know what your thinking Annabelle, and if you look hard enough, you can see me too. We are one in a way".. shit does that mean he wants my life? oh crap he knows what I'm thinking.

"No Annabelle I don't want your life. I wasn't sure what to do at first but now the path is clear. My world has many more problems than when I left....I was a great leader then, but I can see these people need someone like you...I won't take control anymore, I swear it...I just wanted to feel free one last time" one last time?

"Your right" He said defeated."I'll admit, I over did it a little"... "I know you hate what I did to those men but I promise they would have done much worse to you, you will have to do the same need to be strong Annabelle...One day they will look up to you as they did me" he broke eye contact looking off into the distance, probably reminiscing. He sounds so sure.

"I don't know if I'm the person you think I am" I looked down at my feet, I'm not a good person, I'm certainly not strong enough to fight a war, or smart enough.

"You doubt yourself for nothing, you are strong and intelligent, I know this because we are connected remember?" I'm still not buying it.

"Maybe you should just take control and save everyone" seems like he's much more equipt, and if that's what this whole thing is about then maybe I'm just the transportation.

"No Annabelle, I lived my life, my time is done, everyone I knew is gone. Our connection is the last thing I have. And this lake. I will be happy to see you live a full life, you deserve that after everything. Dont you think?"...

"I do want to fight for what's right, I want to help people I just don't know that I can" I said unsure.

"It doesn't matter if you can, it matters that you try, and I know you will, even if you ask yourself a thousand times if it's the right thing to do, you always do it in the end" He reassured me. He knows me so well, I guess we really are connected.

"What will happen to us when I leave this place?" I asked

"I will stay, from now on the reins are yours. I'm sorry I kept control of our spirit.. I understand now that I need to let go... it was selfish of me, I hope you can forgive me?".... I can feel his sincerity.

"I forgive you... I do have one question though.."

"Oh, And what's that?" he smiled probably already knowing what I was going to ask. He's obviously alot more in tune with me than I am of him.

"What's with the feathers?"

He laughed causing me to laugh a little.

"I really don't know. I'm the only one as far as I know. Or I should say 'We'.. actually more 'you' now huh..."

"Annabelle?" He said to get my attention.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"If you feel alone, or need counsel, I'm here, in your head". did you have to add the creepy in your head part?

"No I didn't, look I'm not going to interfer. The longer we are bound the more I loose the ability to gain control. My spirit has almost bound itself completely to you, making it yours. But my soul is still its own being. This form is my soul. I will be here when you come looking, that's all... You are sure to feel not all good things about this, and you are entitled to your feelings. I want what's best for you, I truly hope you can see that. Neither of us chose this path but it's the one we are on"...he scratched his long beard.

"That makes sense. I'm sorry, it's just the idea of someone in my head watching everything I do is abit invasive....Oh my lord have you seen me pee?"

"What? No why would I want to see you go to the toilet? That's disgusting Annabelle, really". he said looking at me like I'm crazy.

He reminds me of a hundred year old version of myself.

"I can feel when you are stressed or in pain, they are the only times I ever look in"...

"How will I come back here to talk to you?"

"You've been here before haven't you Anna? You don't need anyone's help. Your the most powerful Lycan on earth, the sooner you realise that, the easier things will get for you...It's time for you to go Annabelle. There is much you need to figure out for yourself. I will be here waiting for you to need me. Take care of us Annabelle. I put my faith in you"....



-Take your preconceived ideas about werewolfs and supernatural stuff and put it in the bin because I'm not really thinking about being accurate. I'm just looking to write an entertaining story which I don't even know if I'm succeeding at so feel free to let me know.