Chapter 32


Annabelle POV-

I walked out infront of rows of people, there had been a large space left in the middle of the courtyard for me to transform in.

My eyes scanned the crowd glancing over their intrigued faces, they want so much from me. My nerves grew with each person that made eye-contact with me.. I hate these kinds of situations.

I was shown off many times during my life as a princess, but even still, before every single one I got stagefright.. Normally my father was there to encourage me, but not this time.. this time I have to face it alone..

My nervousness almost made me turn back around when I saw Florence standing in the crowd looking up at me, even though I'm angry at her it still calms me to know she's here.

She looked concerned before giving me a small reassuring smile, she could probably see how I felt by my facial expression.. I felt some of the pressure in my chest release enough for me to breath properly again.

Now I know she's here watching me I can't mess up. I mean this is easy but knowing me.. there will be something that I fuck up.

Marcus snapped me from my thoughts with a whisper. I didn't take my eyes from Florence as he spoke.. "They will never forget this moment for as long as they live, no matter what happens in the end, you gave them hope." he gave my shoulder a tight squeeze and then went back into his standing position.. Way to pile the pressure on, thanks Marcus... much appreciated. Dick.

I know first hand that hope, can be a very dangerous thing.

Florence POV-

Everyone gathered in the courtyard early.

The whole morning I'd overheard numerous conversations about how the Lycan girl was going to be their salvation.

So much weight for her to carry, I can't help but want to take some of it off.

Instead I just keep adding to her woes.

I'm such a coward.. here she stands, still a young girl willing to risk her life for people she will never meet, and I can't even risk getting a reputation. The thought of people knowing who I am after hiding my whole life scares the shit out of me, but I don't know if I can deny myself of this for much longer.

I hate how everyone credits the Gods for Annabelle's decision to fight with us.. I remember her asking me what I thought she should do.. I couldn't tell her to fight for us so I told her to do what she thought was right.. we are here because she decided it, and if we have a chance it's because she gave us one.. the Gods didn't put us in this mess and they sure as hell aren't going to get us out of it.

After the alpha had finished his speech, the crowd went wild as the door of the large center building opened again to reveal a very unsure looking Annabelle. She looks beautiful as ever and it's hard to notice but I see the nervousness written across her face..

Marcus exited the building soon after Annabelle and went to stand between Harold and Annabelle.

I watched her eyes scan the crowd, she did her best to keep up with the confident facade but I could see the cracks forming..

I waited for her eyes to meet mine as I knew they would.. then I gave her a reassuring smile, letting her know that I am here.. I'm not completely sure why, I could have just hid like I have been, but I didn't want her to go through this alone.. I watched her visibly loosen up abit, her shoulders dropped indicating she had probably been holding her breath..

After a moment of us stuck staring at each other I saw Marcus whisper something to Annabelle, whatever it was made her uneasy again.

Her eyes darted from me to him, then slowly back to scanning the crowd.. this time she didn't look nervous.. she just looks sad.

What the hell did he say to her?

She is usually so good at hiding her feelings, I can see that whatever he said really got to her..

"It's time" The alpha announced..

Annabelle looked to him, nodded, and then began taking slow steps to the middle of the prepared area.

She held her head high as she walked, looking over the crowd now.. she stopped where she needed to and then looked up into the sky for about 10 seconds. She closed her eyes letting the cool breeze blow a few strands of hair across her face before exhaling a deep breath.

The amount of effortless elegance this girl has in almost everything she does is undeniable, you would never expect her to have a foul mouth or be as clumsy as she is...

A few more seconds passed by before her face looked uncomfortable.. a minute had passed and she dropped to the floor like I had seen her do many times.. her muscles grew, bones began cracking as they relocated themselves.. Revealing probably the biggest blackest wolf they have, or will ever seen in their entire lives. The whole crowd stayed silent.

For her to be this well acquainted with the transformation is astonishing.. it usually takes years before you stop crying out in pain when enduring it..

But she was silent, letting out only huffs of air as to control her breathing.

A whiff of her Lycan form spread through the crowd, their faces changed in confusion as they couldn't really identify what it was.. before she smelt powerful but ferrel. Now she smells like an Alpha.. but there is something else.. something that is making my wolf go crazy.. the pull to be near her is almost unbearable. I wonder why they look confused.

Annabelle was still on all fours looking at the ground, she began to slowly lift her head revealing those yellow orange flames in her eyes..

After a few seconds of regaining her composure, she stood up on her hind legs, took a deep breath and let out the biggest most menacing roar I have ever heard.. it rumbled through my chest and lasted a good five seconds. Her gleaming feathers rustled in the soft breeze.

Almost Immediately the whole crowd began dropping to their knees in a bow.

I watched as even the alpha struggled to stand.. the Luna had no choice but to bow in submission as did their children. Even Marcus looked down.. I could smell their fear.. but she just wants to help them.

I was the only one that couldn't look away..

It made me want to be closer too her.. I could tell she was trying to be strong but I still heard the pain in her roar.. everything in me wants to console her.

She makes me more confused and irritated than anyone has ever.. I wasn't even supposed to come on this trip.

My main job is a scout, they could have picked someone else but I insisted..

why did I insist? Well I told myself it's my duty but really I just need to make sure she is safe.

She's too clumsy to be unsupervised so I put myself on babysitting duty. I used the bracelets because she couldn't know I was following her.. that would be worse than her knowing I was hiding from her.

I know I hurt her.. I tried to push her away from me and it worked. I didn't know she was going to find out I was actively hiding from her, but she did and now I wish I hadn't. Am I a horrible person?

I'm denying myself and her of possible happiness because I'm scared of what it might cost me.

Maybe I'm just selfish.. or a coward.

Maybe I am both.

I haven't been in many intimate situations before and the thought of being in one with her both gives me butterflies.. and scares the shit out of me.

I can't even picture it for too long without almost having a panic attack, how could I do it in real life?.

Everything was so simple before her..

Everything was quiet still, no one moved.. in the silence her eyes met mine, then I heard her call to me "I'm sorry".. she said in what can only be described as despair.

With one leap she cleared the crowd landing on one of the huts before jumping off, onto the floor and taking a run and jump to clear the fence..

What the fuck just happened?.

I need to go after her.. they might think she is just going to change back and return, but I know otherwise..

I was horrible to her and she apologized to me.. which means she's not apologising for something she has done, but rather something she is going to do.

I ran the opposite way through the crowd and to main gate as quickly as I could.. I need to find her.

It's been about two minutes since she left but I know that's all she needs for me to loose her trail.. I made sure I was far enough from the camp that no one would see, then I transformed and followed her tracks, which is hard considering she jumps so far it's hard to find where she landed. All I could think about was finding her.

Maybe she doesn't want me too.

I did wonder for a second, 'what is going through Marcus and Harold's heads right now?'

..and then I remembered I actually don't give a shit.

I ran for half an hour still unable to catch a glimpse of her.. I guess this is where my tracking and hunting skills come in. I realised I was on an incline up the mountain, this feels familiar. I know she has to be up there.

I began slowing into a jog as I neared the top.. I stopped when I thought I heard something.. it was quiet but I'm sure.. there it was again..

I started walking slowly drawing nearer to the origin of the sound, when I realised what it was my heart broke.

Then I saw her in full view laying down at the edge of the cliff, whimpering.

She quickly stopped, I'm assuming she realised I was here..

"Go home Florence" she said coldly still looking off into the distance...

"What are you doing out here?" I asked defeatedly, approaching with caution..

"Go home!" She growled spinning her head to look me dead in the eye, stopping me in my tracks.. if she were anyone else I probably would be scared.. but not her, I just want to fix whatever has got her so messed up.

"Please, just talk to me" I begged, the desperation clearly evident in my voice.. she turned back away, looking out across the trees again..

"If you hadn't noticed, I have alot going on right now, I'd appreciate it if you were to stop by another time." the sarcasm in her tone was palpable.

'How is it that she goes from broken and in tears, to sarcastic and hard as stone in a matter of seconds?.'

I'd managed to make it about a foot away from her, 'which is not really a good thing because her scent is intoxicating making it hard for me to think straight.'

"You know I can hear you right?.. you really should practice more.. And as for your question.." she got up onto her hind legs and looked down to me, making my heart race even faster. "I am broken, and I'm sarcastic, I'm stubborn, and I can even be hateful.. I have been driven by rage my entire life. I can't live like this anymore.. Pretending to be something I'm not. I'm not their fucking Savior.. and you.. you chose your place.."

our faces were inches apart before she spoke again.

"You are not my mate, you can't be." she stated plainly..

Now I know what rejection feels like. It stings.

Her words cut me deep but in that moment I could only imagine how she felt.

"I'm sorry you had to deal with any of this, I'm sorry you had to deal with me.." I sighed closing my eyes, unable to keep up with hers that felt like they were burning a hole into my soul.

After a few seconds of silence she gently rested her head against mine. I moved into her touch briefly letting a single tear escape my eye before she pulled away again.

At least she doesn't hate me.. yet.

We looked up at each other, neither wanting to say anything.. it's hard to believe that I am alot older than her, she already has a much better grip on reality than I do and she's been here 5 minutes.

She went back to the edge of the cliff and laid down, I took this rare opportunity to join her. We sat for a minute before she started talking..

"It's not just your fault.. I mean, you are a coward but I don't blame you. If no-one knew I existed maybe I would run from it too".

"So your not running from it?" I asked confused.

"I was going to, I was overwhelmed. I didn't expect them all to.. bow before me" she huffed slightly annoyed..

"They didn't just bow.. they were submitting. And surely you should be used to this kind of behaviour, considering your background."

"You don't know anything." she hissed.. guess I hit a nerve.

"Then tell me.." I really do want to know..

"I don't trust you." she admitted, turning to face me looking in my eyes again.. I don't blame her.

I looked away and so did she.

"I know... I never gave you a reason to." I said leaning slightly closer to her.. what is wrong with me.

I was sure at first that I didn't want this, at least I thought I was sure. But now all I can think about is her; What is she doing? How did she sleep? Did she eat yet? Who is she with?.

Fuck. My. Life.

She leaned back against me, and even though I don't really know what I want, this is exactly what I needed.

"We can't help but be who we are.. it has been drilled into you to protect yourself.. in me it is to protect others. It's just the way we are built, I can't blame you for it".

In a weird way, she was exactly right.. Gigi and Marcus have always taught me that my number one priority is to stay hidden. I'm our best scout because I'm so good at hiding.

And I have heard the story of how she met Princess Mav. How she risked her life with nothing, to save someone she didn't even know. I'm not sure if I would have the courage to do the same.. in fact I'm pretty sure I would run to save my own skin.

"I don't want to just protect myself anymore, it's not enough." I sighed coming the realisation that I might have to be exposed soon.

"What do you want?" she asked looking back at me with those bright glowing embers. I was mesmerised in her eyes for another moment before replying..

"Right now I just want to help you." it's the truth.

"Why can't I just kill the king and get this over with." she huffed..

"You'd rather do it alone?" I asked surprised..

"Yes. I'd rather die alone than beside hundreds of other dying people." She said it sarcastically but I knew she was being serious. I felt a twang in my chest at the mention of her death..

"That's what you think this is don't you?" I asked.

"What is?"

"You honestly think your going to die?.. that's why you were going to run." then it clicked "and your staying because.. you accept it? No Anna.. I don't accept it. Your not going to die." I said firmly causing her to look back at me..

"And why not?" she laughed like it's amusing..

"Because you're not alone." I pleaded.. earning a sharp glare.

"Look around Florence, do you see anyone here besides me? Your here because some stupid mate bond made you chase me right? because if you had to think about it.. you would have done what you always do.. you would have rationalised it and walked away. I am alone in this, no one can help me.." She stopped but decided she wasn't done.

"What will happen once I kill the king?" she asked me..

"Haven't you asked anyone that yet?"

"No?" she replied questioningly,

"There will be chaos for awhile once we take out the king and his heir." I answered calmly.

"Wait, they want me to kill Carter?" she sounds surprised.. "and what of the next in line?" she continued "Beatrix?, Mavelo?, Matias? I to kill them all?" Before I could answer she did herself. "No.. I am only going to kill whoever gets in my way.. if Prince Carter wants to fight me for it he can.. but I will not kill if it's not absolutely necessary. We don't know him or where he stands on this, it would be wrong". I could tell that everything she just said was involuntary, it was her feelings going through her head and if anything I respect her more for that. Doing what's right and not what is easy.

I wish I had some of that in me..

"You are right Annabelle, we should be setting an example. You are wise beyond your years.." I admitted softly resting my head on her shoulder.

"We?" she asked confused but not moving..

"Yes we." I replied as I remembered I need to clear something up.. "Annabelle?"


"I didn't chase you because of the mate bond.. at least I don't think I did. When you said that you were sorry and left I thought about what would happen if I never saw you again". she interrupted me..

"Not because you want me to fight battles for you?" Even though I can't see her smirking I know that she is on the inside..

"No.. now would you let me finish?"

"Go-on" she said as she stretched out her front legs before bringing them back Infront of her. I lifted my head as she stretched an put it back when she was done. I've never wanted to be close to someone before, I've never initiated any contact so this is a first for me.

I waited 30 seconds trying to build up the courage, then I lifted my head from her shoulder to look at her..

"I've never felt like this before.." I'm sure I've said this a hundred times I just wish she could understand my difficulty.

"It's called a mate bond." she replied sarcastically.. she is really getting on my nerves.. I'm trying to tell her something..

"No.." I said stubbornly..lifting my head to look at her.

"C'mon just admit it"

"But It's not true!.."

"I know a straight girl when I see one" does she even believe what she is saying?..

"Shut up" I replied slightly angry that she doesnt believe me.

"It's the mate bond." she said again affirming it with herself..

"I wouldn't have even felt the mate bond when I first saw you hanging from that fucking tree." oh shit..

"There we are" she sighed looking away again in dissapointment.

"I knew there was something else. Why did you keep this from me?"..


I hope you enjoyed my mediocre writing skills.

At this point I'm practically begging for feedback but it hasn't really helped so far so I don't see the point.

love love people. Stay real. Stay safe.

There's currently a rainstorm going on outside as I've been writing this.

I hope we have thunder and lightening, it's been awhile. If you didn't know I'm in England where the weather is usually in between hot and cold. Or just cold.

This is irrelevant information, your welcome.

Have a great day guys. :D