Chapter 39


Annabelles POV-

I sat for a few long minutes, just looking at his face.. at what I still doesn't feel real.

And I was on fire.. but how?.

I need answers..I laid back on the grass next to Ronan's lifeless body. I need answers now.

I closed my eyes and let my mind drift as I called for the one person who may be able to give me them.


I opened my eyes to find myself standing in his sanctuary.. I held out my hands to see that I'm in human form.

"You are only you in here my dear." I lifted my head to see Leopold smiling through his long grey beard.

I smiled back but didn't say anything.. it's been a long time since we've seen each other.. I wonder if he knows where I have been..

"There is something different about you.." he said scratching his wiry beard in thought.

"Do you know?" I asked...

"I know that you were poisoned, but besides that I know nothing.. could you tell me?" he asked cocking his head slightly. I looked down letting my mind wonder back to the previous month's..

"I was captured and given to the King.. but that is not why I'm here."


"Leopold I was on fire.. do you know anything about this?" I asked, yearning for the answers.

"On fire?" he repeated clearly surprised.. "You were on fire.." he repeated again looking away deep in thought..

"Is there nothing you can tell me?" I asked when he took too long to reply..

"There is one thing but it makes no sense.".. he relayed looking back to me still with a puzzled expression.

"Are you going to tell me what it is?"

"There were legends in my time, my mother would read the stories to me before I slept." he started as he sat back into his chair looking out across the water.. I took my place next to him "She spoke of a rare species known as Fae folk...some..the light Fae had the power of healing.. the power to bring light in even the darkest of days."

"They sound wonderful, but what does that have to do with me?"

"Well my dear they aren't the only Fae that were said to have existed.. there were also the dark Fae.. known for bringing chaos and destruction.. they caused the downfall of the entire Fae civilisation."

"What happened to them?" I asked intrigued.

"After many years of being raped and pillaged at will.. some clans decided to join together and fight the dark Fae.. somehow they succeeding in driving them back.. The Fae left the humans alone after that.. but the humans decided that if they could win that battle, perhaps they could eradicate the Fae all together."

"Even the light Fae?"

"Yes dear even the light.. you see what people don't understand they fear, and what they fear they hate." I can tell by his tone that he has his own experiences with this..

"So you think I'm a Fae? but the Fae were eradicated.."

"Perhaps.. Perhaps not.. the Fae had many powers.. most of them are unknown by anyone other than the Fae.. maybe they fled to your world."

"There are only humans in my world I assure you."

"It makes sense that you would be a compatible host." he said ignoring me.

"Leopold.. there are only humans in my world." I said again..

"Switching between worlds alters reality, meaning different rules apply in each, that does not mean a life from one can't exist in the other. Though their powers are unusable.. there must not be enough energy flow on your planet."

"I was only just getting used to being a Lycan.. now I'm a Fae too?...are there any other possibilities?" I sighed.. It's kind of hard to believe that a different race had been living amongst us and we didn't even know.. or.. they didn't know that I was living amongst them.

I wonder if its on my father's side or my mother's. I guess I will never know.

"I'm sorry my child.. even I never expected this.. I thought I had seen everything." he chuckled..

"Apparently not." I sighed again laying back on the grass as I did. "Leopold?..."

"Yes Annabelle?"

"You think I'm dark Fae don't you.."

"I do." he admitted..

"Does that mean I'm destined to be destruction?" I asked..

"I don't know.. your powers have only just begun to awaken.. who knows what you will be.." I don't need more questions right now.

"What did your mother say about the dark Fae?"

"Are you sure you want to know?"

"You know when people ask that it just makes me want to know even more.." I replied nonchalantly.. I'm not enjoying this conversation.. ignoring my tone he replied..

"She said that when the dark Fae entered a village.. all that would be left is a smouldering pile of ashes, when they weren't burning down villages they were taking prisoners.. experimenting on them".

"Experimenting with what?".

"Various potions.. if the legends are correct both the light and dark Fae, can imbue some elements with magic, mixing different elements together and adding magic creates a different response. They were perfecting the art of killing."

"Were they all bad?" I asked still watching the clouds go by..

"The magic that fuels them is dark, if they were strong enough to resist their natural urges.. then In theory they could do good"..

"But 'were' any of them good?"

"Not that I was ever told of. But know this Annabelle.. whatever the case maybe be you are not just dark Fae.. you are a Lycan."

"How does that help me?"

"The power that drives 'you' is not just dark."

"But my heart is filled with so much hatred, what if I can't control it? I can't even control myself now.. what if hurt innocent people?"

"I can't tell you that you won't, I can only tell you that I know there is good in you.. I've seen it.. I felt it."

"I don't know if I believe you." I admitted out loud..

"Just trust yourself.. you are the only one that can make these decisions.. no matter what it makes you feel, you need to learn to control your actions, to be able to think through it. Always remember that you 'are' in control. I know it will be difficult but if anyone is capable Anna.. it is you."

I sat up to look at him "Thank you Leopold, without you I would be clueless in all of this." I gestured to everything..

"Without you I would still be in the dark so there is no thanks needed." He smiled humbly.

"I better be off.. I left quite a mess back there." I remembered what Bea said.. I killed her old friend.. she might never forgive me...given the opportunity I would do it again.. maybe I am destined to be bad.



"You truly are one of a kind." he said smiling.. I glared at him but my resolve weakened.. I smiled back unable to hold it..

"I know." I said as I closed my eyes and traveled back to my body.. I'm not being smug, it is true.. there is no one like me.. I am alone.

I opened my eyes to find myself still in lycan form laid next to Ronan's body.. A sudden wave of guilt hits me as I think about Bea.. I love her like a sister.. her hurting makes me hurt. Especially when I'm the one who caused her pain.

Without thinking further into it I had decided to dig Ronan a grave.. I dragged his body and jaw that was still transformed to a little clearing away from all the blood. Using my claws and hands bigger than spades it didn't take long to dig a suitable sized hole for the man.. it wasn't very deep but enough so that the animals wouldn't disturb the body. I doubt that had this turned out differently he would treat me with the same respect.. I guess it doesn't matter.. this isn't for him, it's for Bea.

After running through the stream to get the blood and dirt off me I began the run back to the mountain.


A little while later I arrived back at the mountain.. waiting outside was Florence.. she spotted me about 20 feet away and started walking up to me..

I can't imagine what she is thinking..

I lowered myself on all fours as I continued walking looking at the floor as I did..

We stopped just infront of each other, I was still unable to meet her eyes. She placed her hands on my cheeks gently lifting my head.. I closed my eyes settling into the peace that her touch brings.

"Look at me." she said softly, stroking her hand down my cheek.. I opened my eyes too see her beautiful icy blue orbs looking back, I inhaled deeply as the euphoric feeling I'd been needing so desperately swept over me.. I lowered my head pressing my forehead into hers.. this beautiful, stubborn, woman that I've come to love. She broke away from me and began tying something to my front leg.."Go get changed...then we can talk." she said, standing back up to look at me her hair swaying in the wind, it looks longer and darker than before, less red tones..but my god she really is beautiful.

She waited a second before turning to walk back to where she'd been sitting.

It didn't take long for me to get changed.. the funny thing is, I should be exhausted but I'm not.. I feel more alive than I ever did.

I walked the short distance back to Florence, seeing her sitting on the rock again.. I waited a few moments just to take in the sight.. she was just sat there watching her hands, fiddling her thumbs. How am I going to explain this too her..

She looked in my direction snapping me out of my thoughts.. she got up and again began walking over to me.. "Come here." she spoke as she pulled me into a tight hug.. I squeezed her back, nestling my head into the crook of her neck..

I inhaled deeply, staining my memory with her scent.

"Is he dead?" she asked..

I could only nod my head into her neck.. she placed a hand on the back of my head and squeezed me even tighter.. "I'm sorry you had to go through that."..

I lifted my head to look into her eyes again.. most of the time I wish I didn't feel things, but this is one of the rare things that makes me greatful I do.

Without a second thought I crashed my lips into hers, she didn't hesitate to return the favour, kissing me back passionately.

For a moment, she made me forget everything.

For a single moment, all that existed was me and her. We were moving in sync before a thought did cross my mind.. I stopped the kiss pulling away to see a surprised look on Florence's face..

"Bea?" I asked her.. "Where is Bea?".

"She's still inside.." she replied wearily..

"I need to speak to her.." I said letting go of Florence and beginning to walk to the cave entrance.

I made it a few steps before she grabbed my arm.

"I don't think right now is a good time, maybe we should give her some space."

"No, I need to speak to her now." I easily removed her hand from me and continued.. this is important.

Without looking back I entered the cave, closing the door behind me..

Just to the right of the room was a brown leather couch that Bea was sitting on.

In her hand a glass bottle that had some alcoholic concoction inside.

She looked up at me for a second before closing her eyes throwing her head back to guzzle the alcohol.

"Bea.. I'm sorry" not for killing him but for hurting you.. "I had no choice".

"I know what you are.." she said in a bitter tone..

"And what am I?" I asked taking two steps towards her, honestly intrigued as to what her reply might be..

"Well for one you are Fae.." she paused looking me up and down.. "and for two you are pregnant.."

"What?" I asked dumfounded.. "I'm not pregnant" I scoffed at her remark.. is she calling me fat?.

Bea got up from the couch and slowly walked over to me..

"Annabelle listen... can't you hear it?.." as she got to me she grabbed my hand and forcibly put it to my stomach.. I closed my eyes frantically searching through the silence.. then I could hear it too.. the fast pace of a faint little heart beat.. I began hyper ventilating as pure shock hit every system in my body.. I dropped to my knees as the realisation washed over me like a vat of acid. A heavy flow of tears began streaming from my eyes.. I leant forward with my hands on my face.. ugly crying into the floor. Could this get any worse?

After a few long seconds of this I felt Bea's hands on my back..."I'm sorry.. you don't deserve this." she rested her head on my shoulder. I relaxed at the warmth of her touch. Somehow she always makes me feel less alone. But still..

"Maybe I do." I sighed.

I sat up so we were facing each other.. before I could speak she beat me to it.. "Annabelle.." she paused placing a hand on my cheek "I know you.. I know you wouldn't have done what you did, if you didn't feel like you had to."...

"It still hurts though doesn't it.."

"Yes, it does." she said calmly before putting her arms around me, engulfing me in a tight meaningful embrace.. "I didn't mean to hurt you like that.. I thought I did... but I don't."

I felt her body tremble as her resolve to keep her emotions hidden weakened, I can tell she's speaking truthfully.

"It's okay, we are a mess but we still have each other." Tears began welling from my eyes again as we cried onto each other.

I've only just found out about my predicament but already I'm having to contemplate which way would be best to tell Florence.. My life is an uphill battle that I have to fight constantly..and now I have to decide what to do with a child, and somehow find out definitively who impregnated me so I can end his life.


It is abit deep.. lots of stuff to think about.

Reading back through a few previous chapters I realised that I really do repeat myself alot.. if this annoys you too just leave a comment where I repeated myself and I'll change it.. I just don't read back through very often.. not a very good author but I do try to make an entertaining story. I hope you can appreciate it. An if not.. I don't really know what to say aha.

Love, Love. Peace.