Chapter 46


Please try to bare with me in this chapter, this is my first experience on writing something of this nature. There will be VERY intimate scenes. This whole chapter is basically contaminated with cooties ok.

Let's see how I do...

Intended For Mature Audiences

18+ only.


Annabelle Pov-

A few, if not all of the men who's names I don't yet know, have offered to carry some of our things, which I am greatful for. They were already carrying quite alot of food between them. We have been eating day to day so it doesnt matter much to us anyway. I let one of them carry a blanket for me and a change of clothes. We are each carrying our own water, and I've got my weapons on me of course.

I think the rifle is abit much. I slipped on the gun belt and fastened it around my hips. I picked up the two guns.. neither was loaded, I quickly clicked the magazine into the bottom of each gun before sliding both into the holsters. Then I slid the eight left over magazine cartridges into their designated spot on the belt. It's crazy how natural all this feels.. Now.. what to do with the rifle..


I walked outside quickly spotting Anders amongst the group of men. I'm glad to see the mess all cleaned up, you almost couldn't tell it ever happened. "Anders" I called confidently.

He stood up and came straight over to me..

"Everything alright?" He asked..

"Do you know how to shoot?.." I ignored his question responding with my own..

"Yes I do" he said affirmatively.

I held out the rifle in its holster and ammo cartages for him to take.. he waited a few seconds in astonishment before slowly taking it from my hands. "The road ahead will be dangerous.. we'll need all the help we can get.." I said as I placed my hand on his shoulder..

He inhaled deeply before nodding slowly in agreement and respect. Some may think I'm an idiot for giving him a gun.. but I think he has been honest with me so far, why would he turn on me now?..


I was inspecting myself in the mirror when a knock at the door shook me from my thoughts.. I was thinking about how different I look.. how much I really look like her. "Come in" I spoke much more defeatedly than I had intended.. still torn about my feelings towards my mother.

As soon as my eyes met Florence's I attempted a smile..

"What's wrong?" she spoke softly as she approached me.

"Nothing.." I shook my head still trying to hold up the wall I had built around my emotions.

Somehow there always seems to be something trying to crumble it to dust. Without words Florence placed her hand on my arm.. it means she knows it's not nothing, but "It's silly" I smiled looking up into her eyes..

"If its bothering you then it's important to you.. making it important to me.." she spoke with genuine concern in her voice.. I found comfort in her words. Knowing that she means them.. I put my hand out to hold her hip, lightly gripping the waist of her trousers so that we could be closer.

I looked away then closed my eyes before I spoke, I imagined for a second that I was alone and could speak freely.. it helps me to think like this when opening up.. if I see their expression as they react to every word I say.. I usually back out before I begin. "I just hate how much I remind myself of her.." I spoke in a quiet beaten tone.. it's crazy to think she still has this effect on me.. even after what I have become.

I opened my eyes again, somehow feeling better having said it outloud. "She still has so much power over me." I admitted..

"The only power she can have is the power you give to her.. don't give her any." Florence spoke softly but determined.. probably trying to motivate me.

I'm not very motivated on that front..

"I try.. I push it down.. but then I look in the mirror and I see her hateful face." The words seemed to pour from my mouth with no filter.

Florence looked surprised.. "She must have been a very beautiful woman.." she said raising her eyebrow seductively, half a grin spreading across her lips. "And you don't have a hateful face." she chuckled amusedly as she slowly traced down my cheek with her fingers. If she didn't make me feel like I was floating in the sea I'd slap the back of her head for giving my mother a compliment!

"Don't compliment her." I spoke in a disgusted tone as if I were addressing the staff.

She looked around my face slowly in intrigue. "You have many more scars than I remember." Florence sighed as she reached her hand up to my eyebrow.. lightly brushing her fingers across the scar that goes through it, before lightly tracing the one that goes across my nose. She ignored what I said but I can't seem to call her out on it..

I watched her intently as her eyes followed her hand back down my face, she brushed her fingers lightly down my neck before leaving her hand on my shoulder.. My mind was blank, I couldn't speak until her hand had stopped... Anyway.. "My Father used to say that every scar tells a story.." I took a moment to think deeper into what I had just said.. "Even if they are sad stories.." I sighed.

Florence's gaze moved back to my eyes, a look of sorrow staining her beautiful face, "They're not the whole story.. they are only a part of it.." As she spoke her grip on me tightened.. How is it she always seems to find the right words..

I smiled in agreement.. she is right.

Florence smiled back at me.. even in this dimly lit room I can see her pearly white teeth shining as she smiles ear to ear. I pulled her into me wrapping my arms around her.. she embraced me back, tightly wrapping her arms around my neck before drawing one of her hands back and leaving it to warm my face. Holding my head to hers.. It feels like I'm being sheltered from everything. Like nothing can touch me when she's holding me like this.

"Anna..." She spoke softly, pulling her head back to look at me.. "I think I know a safe place we can go.." I furrowed my eyebrows in anticipation for her idea.. "It's the village where my parents lived.. and died." she sighed at that last part. Even though Florence claims to have no memories of them.. I can tell she feels the loss of them deeply.

I lifted my head and looked up for a second in thought.. "What will we tell the people there?" I asked confusedly.

"There aren't any." She said simply.

"Ah.. I see.." .."Okay.. we need to make sure these men bathe and change before we set off.. they are stinking something rotten.." Luckily Ronans old clothes fit all since he was so big himself.

She smiled amusedly at me, holding in a giggle.. "What?." I asked in a confused tone..

"I'm just happy that I get to spend another day knowing that you're okay.." She smiled kindly at me. A warm genuine smile that I've only seen on her face a few times.

It seems time away from eachother has really put things into perspective for Florence.. even though we are on the run this is the happiest I've ever seen her. "Hard times really bring out the best in people" I smiled..

I watched her expression change to one of knowing.. she flickered her eyelids for a split second as she glanced away and back to me. I can tell she still regrets how things happened between us in the beginning. "You're right.." she paused.. "You made me question everything.. I was hiding for so long I had forgotten who I was.. or maybe I never really knew. But I'm not scared of any of it, not anymore.." she paused leaning her head down with her eyes closed before she spoke in a soft voice that almost came as a whisper. "I just. I can't loose you again..".. I placed my fingers lightly on her chin, guiding her to face me. As soon as our eyes met she continued "The whole time you were gone I felt more empty than I had before you arrived" The sudden emotion in her voice caught me by surprise..

"I get that alot" I smiled playfully.. Florence quickly retaliated by slapping my shoulder. She tried to remain serious but a smile soon shone through her cold facade. "You just can't resist me." I teased..

I watched her lips as she spoke.. "Perhaps.." she said slowly, raising her eyebrows intuitively. "Or maybe it's just the bond" she mocked back, grinning mischievously as she turned the tables on me.

"You are undeniably beautiful and absolutely my type.." I paused in thought.. "don't you think it's strange we are the only women that are mated to each other?". It's weird how that came to be.

"The mate bond is the connection between two spirits, in our case our spirits are represented by our wolves.. if two people are widowed, or never bonded with their mate then they could be together.. I've seen it, a few times.. it was mostly messy." .. "I've even heard of one couple being able to communicate through the bond.." Florence spoke freely.

"But how can it be that 'I' am your mate.. me.. Anna from another world.." I questioned..

"Maybe the powers that be decided we'd spent enough time alone.." She smiled half heartedly.

"Maybe.." I smiled back.. glancing to her lips again before looking back to her eyes. She noticed this time, the smile from before drifted away as a new one took its place..

Nuetral POV-

Florence's heart felt as though it were beating a million miles per hour as all she could do was smile. Seeing Annabelle lusting after her was exiting.. Bringing forward emotions and feelings in her body that she didn't fully recognise..they made her face warm up and her heart rate increase that's for sure. Without a thought Florence pulled Annabelle into a gentle kiss, softly stroking up the side of Anna's neck into the back of her hair, before slowly parting..

Having only gotten a few centimetres apart Annabelle brought her hand up to Florence's face and pulled her in for another kiss.. meeting her with more passion this time. Their connection seemed to be magnetic.. creating an audible humming in their ears, soothing both of their minds as they tuned into one another.

Florence pulled Anna closer as the momentum of their exchange began to reach an all time high. Annabelle found herself grabbing on Florence's arse, which Florence seemed to enjoy, but this was too much for Anna. Annabelle pulled away.. feeling like she was loosing her grip on reality, she took two steps back from Florence. Not daring to look up..

"You don't have to fight this you know.." Florence said with sincerity, still catching her breath.. "We are grown women.. I know what I want" she sounded sure of herself, with more confidence than even she thought she had.

Annabelle lifted her gaze confidently to meet Florences eyes.. Even though Anna knew that Florence didn't know exactly what she was asking for.. she still knew that Florence had meant every word she said.. An alluring smile krept across Annabelles lips.. Florence quickly closed the distance between them but instead of kissing Annabelle she placed her hand flat on Anna's chest and pushed her back two feet where she was stopped by the dresser from behind her..

The surprise on Annabelles face was soon gone as Florence pressed her body against Annabelles, feeling the overwhelming need to be closer. Annabelle tentatively grabbed Florence by the side of her neck and pulled her into another passionate kiss. Anna seductively slid her tongue into Florence's mouth as a test run.. As bad as it may sound in this moment, in her experience not everyone likes a French kiss.

Florence inhaled sharply at the sudden new movement.. shivers lit through her entire being. Annabelle felt the reaction in Florence's body as she slightly tensed up and held Annabelle tighter for a second.. Anna could even smell her heat rising which only made her want Florence more.

Keeping up with the kiss Annabelle slid her hand from Florence's arse up to the middle of her chest, very slowly tracing an invisible line down her body. Florence slowed the kiss unable to fully concentrate as Annabelles hand slid down further untill it came to a halt at the top of Florence's thigh. "Are you sure?" She stopped to ask, keeping her hand still where it laid.. Sometimes people think they are ready, but they aren't.. Annabelle doesn't want Florence to regret any of their time spent together.

Florence smiled coyly, already looking somewhat flustered but still effortlessly beautiful. "Yes" she whispered glancing up to Anna. Annabelle started the slow ascension of her hand back up to meet Florences core before she quickly and firmly grabbed the crotch of florences trousers making sure Florence could feel her hand there pressed against her.

The sudden contact did exactly what Annabelle had meant for it too, Florence let out an involuntary moan clutching onto Anna so hard she might leave bruises..

Annabelle began to smile at her success when her attention was completely overiden.. Florence moved her hands to the sides of Annabelles head, kissing her lips, hungry for more.. Annabelle applied more pressure as she slid her hand upwards to the button of Florences trousers. Eliciting another quieter moan from Florence.

Anna made quick work of the button and zipper.. slowly she slid her fingers down to find Flos smooth heat and began tracing slow cirles.. Florence tried hard to contain herself, doing her best to keep in moans that turned to slow exaggerated breaths in her throat.

She rested her head on Annas shoulder, holding on tightly as she experienced an intimate loving touch for the first time in her life.

Annabelle quickened her pace slightly.. all Florence could think to do to muffle her sounds a little is bite Annabelles shoulder.. Annanelle moaned in pain and pleasure, shocked at Florence, and herself. Anna slowly removed her hand from Florence's trousers.. she had told Florence it would be special, if she can't do special, it will have to be fucking fantastic..

Thinking of Florence, Anna pulled Flos legs up around her waist, kissing her intently along the way to the bed.

Annabelle let Florence gently down beside it. They stopped the kiss only to gaze into each others eyes. Still keeping eye contact Anna hooked her thumbs in the sides of Florences trousers an underwear, pulling them down just bellow her bum. She stood back up straight and lightly pushed Florence by her chest, causing her to fall onto the bed with a soft thump. Florence could only watch from the bottom of the bed, where she stayed still, looking up in adoration.

Annabelle removed the weapons belt she'd just put on before she made her way to her knees, and began sliding off Florences boots before shifting her attention to the trousers.. gently slipping off each leg before she looked up again to see Florence still intently watching. Even though Florence had been the one who asked for this, having Annabelle see her intimate parts is still daunting.. she sat with one hand guarding her privates from Annabelles vision, leaning back on the other. Anna took a moment to admire the intricate markings covering the outside of both of Florence's legs.

Regaining eyecontact, Annabelle proceeded to remove Florences underwear.. leaving her bottom half almost completely exposed, if not for her hand.

Annabelle rested her hands on Florence's bare knees as they still held eachothers intense gaze. Both of their hearts still beating out of their chests with all the adrenaline and hormones coursing through them.. Anna began to softly trace her hands up Florences legs to her hips. She placed one hand on Florences chest to guide her back into a laying position..

A few seconds after Florence had laid down Anna positioned Florences legs so that her knees were in the air. Seeing that Florence was still cautious to let Anna see.. Anna made sure to leave a long wet kiss on the back of her hand.

The surprise of Annabelles closeness to her sent another wave of energy through Florences body..

After the throbbing began Florence could protest no longer.. she needed to be touched again. Slowly she peeled her hand back to reveal to Annabelle her soaking womanhood.

Annabelles arousal hit a new extreme.. unable to wait any longer she began leaving delicate kisses along Florences inner thigh before landing on her main target. As soon as Annas tongue made contact Florences back arched up off the bed, her hands clutching at the cover.. Anna slid one hand up to rest on Florences stomach, to feel every contracting muscle as Florences body reacts to the stimulation.

Annabelle increased the rhythm of her tongue sending constant washes of vibrations through Florences body, soon her breaths became shallow, she no longer cared about the sounds of pleasure coming from her mouth..

Annabelle could sense what was coming even if Florence didn't know in herself..

Annabelle slowly slid a finger into Florence causing her to gasp at the new sensation.. Anna skillfully played Florence like an instrument, drawing her even closer to the edge.

A loud moan cut off in Florence's throat as she reached her climax, arching her back instinctively at the overwhelming feeling of pure ecstacy. Her body twitching vigorously, soon calming as Annabelle eased her out gently.

Anna got to her feet wiping her face on her sleeve as she did. She gazed at Florence in awe at the woman who was still out of breath, half naked, laid where Annabelle had left her..

Without thought, Annabelle stripped completely down to her underwear and sat on the bed nexto Florence, who it seems was only just coming out of a trance.. she reached out to touch Annabelle, stroking her hand along across Annas back, gently tracing the bottom half of one of the four huge scars that she'd fixed up on Annas first day with the pack.. Anna positioned herself next to Florence before helping her sit up, Florence did so without an explanation as to why she had to sit up. Anna gently lifted Florences shirt over her head, watching her hair fall loosely bellow her shoulders as her head came free.

A few seconds had passed of slight disbelief in Annabelles mind of what had just happened before she pulled Florence to her.. she laid them both down, embracing Florence completely. This will be a moment they will both remember forever..

"I love you." Florence hummed, leaving a soft kiss on Annas cheek as she held her face to Annabelles and playing with a few strands of her hair..

"I love you too " Anna smiled uncontrollably..

The feeling of love is so much more powerful than the word but somehow the word still brings so much weight.. like a blanket of security perhaps.

The pair laid intertwined, holding each other as though it might be the last time. In a world like this one.. it could be.



Bro.. I had to get soo ×××× to gain the balls to write this one (I don't condone the use of any mind altering ××××! You know yourself whether it's right for you). Writing in third person helped alot to be honest. I'm glad I did it like that.

I Dunno about you but there is something in me that feels invasive and intrusive when I write intimate scenes like this (even though this is the first one I have ever written and it's completely fictional). Felt like it was an important part of the characters story.. maybe I went abit too far into it but the whole point of a story like this is not to skip over the nitty gritty parts..

The words I used were the least cringe I could come up with.. if you have anything better please let me know. Genuinly interested.

EDIT- 11/03/22

I can't even read this without cringing, honestly I don't know why I wrote it so in depth.. please don't mind me.

Thank you for reading!!