1.1 Love is Blind

A sudden wave of dizziness, accompanied by a strong headache hit Xu Jiaqi's soul. She felt herself be pulled into someone's body, and thousands of memories entering her brain at the same time.

Wincing, she clenched her fists until all the painful waves went by.

'System, are you there?' she called out.

[Yes, Host. I am assimilating our presences with the world, to allow a safe and sound entry. Else, the world might reject us and expel our souls.] The System explained.

'So, what am I supposed to do while I wait for you?' Xu Jiaqi questioned, her eyes struggling to gain a clear vision.

[Take a look at the plotline. I will send it to you, please look over it carefully.]

More information entered her head, and this time it wasn't just her body's experiences.

The story was set in the modern era.

There were several terms that Xu Jiaqi encountered. Male lead, female lead, second male lead, supporting character, and so on. These terms built up a cast and were essentially the people who played the story out.

The male lead, Zhou Yuan was a very ambitious man. He was an orphan who had high intelligence and was given the chance to study under scholarships and sufficing his life needs by working hard until he passed with a college degree, interned in a decent company, and set off to his adult life with exemplary qualifications.

However, he still lacked one thing that prevented him from achieving his goals. Money. With no money, Zhou Yuan's career would be severely hindered and delayed. He had great ideas, but if he wanted to soar on his own, he needed monetary support.

Who would dare to give support to this young man, who seemingly had no real business connections, didn't have a family, and had no entrepreneurship experience?

Naturally, since he was the male lead, there was one anonymous sponsor that actually helped his funding without much questions. They had little to no physical communication, but the sponsor would always be ready to hear his idea presentation out and agree to his proposals. Zhou Yuan tried to meet this benevolent savior of his, but the sponsor never gave in and kept their connection restricted to online deals. The sponsor also mentored him on the arts of business, teaching him things that he was never taught in conventional studies, or even giving the list of people who were suitable to be partnered with and who should be avoided.

After his company was established, he stood on top of the ranks as the Chairman and settled down as a successful, well known figure in society. Being a young, promising man whose career seemed to be soaring non stop.

The world's female lead is called Bai Mengxue, a lovable young lady with a sunny and bright personality. From childhood, signs that she was a beloved daughter of the heavens were already visible. She came from an ordinary family, but that didn't stop the heavens from throwing down luck at her. She was a fragile beauty that you couldn't help but want to protect upon seeing her face front. Everybody loved and doted on her. Bai Mengxue would later intern in Zhou Yuan's company, and go through a series of cliche opportunities, building favorability points with each fateful encounter.

The second male lead would be Qin Zicheng, Zhou Yuan's colleague who he met during a business expense. Qin Zicheng was secretly the son of a large enterprise, and was set to be the heir of his family business. He admired Zhou Yuan for his success story and countenance. Later on, he would also encounter Bai Mengxue and brush up the favorability points in consecutive coincidences, which led him to adore the woman.

Where was Xu Jiaqi in this story, you say?

Remember the 'anonymous sponsor' that stayed beside Zhou Yuan as he built his business empire? That was her current body.

Her 'character' was just a measly supporting character who bore the same name as her: Xu Jiaqi. She was the daughter of Xu Enterprise, a powerful entity whose authority did not only cover the country, but also stretched to international

In the midst of all of his trials and tribulations, the story's Xu Jiaqi would be there, silently supporting the man as he climbed up the staircase to success. Due to her privileged identity, whenever Zhou Yuan met trouble or needed help, Jiaqi would come and lend a hand, making the male lead's rise to power not as rocky and hard as it was supposed to be.

However, this Xu Jiaqi was a little bit stupid. She clearly knew that she loved the man, but couldn't muster the courage to say that she was the one who gave him support. The reason? She was afraid that the man would think he is being belittled and come to dislike her.

Thus, Xu Jiaqi could do nothing but watch as Zhou Yuan fall for Bai Mengxue, spoil her with love, whereas her efforts went undiscovered. Xu Jiaqi's stupidity did not end there, she was actually still willing to assist Zhou Yuan from the shadows even after the main couple got together.

The second male lead Qin Zicheng was also rather foolish, but not as much. He liked Bai Mengxue, but also knew his bounds. Since the girl he liked was happy standing beside his best friend, he offered unconditional support for the couple and helped clear out obstacles for them.

The main couple was able to live on happily, their success rising further and further as the years passed.

The second male lead and other supporting characters? Of course, they were set to be discarded after having served their uses.

After several minutes, the System returned and confirmed several things with Xu Jiaqi, perfectly completing their assimilation process.

[We are set, Host.] The System announced.

Xu Jiaqi hummed as she, too, had gotten familiar with her bodily functions. The transmigration was really smooth, she felt like she truly had lived the full twenty three years of this world's Xu Jiaqi and was not just an intruder.

'I find that this body is.. rather easy to work with. My parents love me, I'm beautiful, I have great qualifications, I can actually build the perfect life I desired in the past right here and now.' Xu Jiaqi stood in front of the mirror as she communicated with her System.

She admired her features. Since Xu Jiaqi lived a privileged life from early on, she was blessed with flawless skin and a great body. Her appearance was well taken care of. Thanks to her parents' great genetics, her features were also well defined and fit right into the ideal beauty standard.

[That is probably the accommodation made by the generator after considering that this is your first world. It's not strange, Host.] The System answered.

'About my desired life.. Do I have to follow the story line you gave me?'

[The story you were given described an entire life time in a few paragraphs. Details were omitted. Thus, the only thing you need to follow is the general plot. To take your character as an example, you just need to keep the key components of your character intact. Support Zhou Yuan, admire him, be a great daughter, et cetera.]

'So, outside of that, I can act freely?' Xu Jiaqi grew hopeful.

[Since your personality isn't described, then yes. However, in future worlds, if the story described the way you act in the summary, then you have to act accordingly.]

Ecstatic exclamations and fireworks bloomed inside her heart. Freedom was possible.

'Then, what are my missions?' Xu Jiaqi was reminded of the missions she needed to complete.

The System grew silent.

[..Host, please keep calm even after you receive the missions.]