
[Don't worry, Host. Our System is not a fussy one, even though you can't kill the leads, if they get in trouble because of external forces then it wouldn't be charged on you. You just have to stay close to your character descriptions,  everything else will be pardoned.]

'...That's strangely convenient for me.'

[We aspire to take care of our employees. Or would you like to be worked to death? Spartan style? I can activate the sudden death mode where you'll have no freedom, have no choice but to follow the exact path Xu Jiaqi took.]

'No, no, no. Thank you for taking care of this humble employee. Hehe.' Xu Jiaqi quickly retracted her words and focused on the reality.

It hadn't even been a complete day since she got here, but she was already feeling pretty comfortable. Especially when the character's background was pretty similar to her, who was a young miss since birth.

As she chatted more and more with Qin Zicheng, the next event flag came to life.

The door to the hall was opened wide, with two servants revealing two new attendees.

Xu Jiaqi's eyes narrowed. It was the male lead, Zhou Yuan.

Zhou Yuan arrived with a grand entrance, with his hands interlocked with Bai Mengxue. Eyes immediately flew towards the couple. Those who learned of the scandal also swept through Xu Jiaqi to observe her reaction.

To be involved in such a story was regarded as humiliating by the people. Especially to a big miss like Xu Jiaqi, everyone was interested to see how she would handle the matter now that the man had done such a daring thing to her.

As of the current moment, although Zhou Yuan was a rising star that could potentially grow his base to extreme heights, he still couldn't contend against Xu family's massive strength.

If Xu Jiaqi willed for it, Zhou Yuan's future could be diminished by a great length, leaving no chances for him to strive as far as before.

To their dismay, Xu Jiaqi only carelessly looked at Zhou Yuan, lingering on his figure before passing her attention back to Qin Zicheng.

'If I could, I would stomp him down right now to secure my own future, but the original body wouldn't do that!' Feeling everyone's disappointed gaze, Xu Jiaqi complained inside her heart.

"Zicheng ge, isn't the Zhou head your friend? You don't want to come over and say hello to him?" Xu Jiaqi asked the man beside her.

Qin Zicheng already felt comfortable sitting by the table and chatting from time to time with her, he was actually unwilling to approach Zhou Yuan. In the first place, he was forcefully sent here by his mother. She wanted him to go and embark on a love journey, but the old lady had never seen Qin Zicheng interact with another woman outside of business and formal proprieties, let alone be in love.

The party was filled with thriving young beauties, the old lady refused to believe that none of them could catch Qin Zicheng's eyes. She was confident in her son's qualifications, and was sure that the beauties would be attracted.

However, the old lady failed to account for one thing: Qin Zicheng's difficult personality!

With his attitude, who would dare approach him?

Even if there were some daring ladies who wanted to try their luck at the massive fortune, Qin Zicheng himself would repel those folks.

Xu Jiaqi: Hehe, I also don't want to be approached. Where is the big brother policeman I called?

With everything considered, Qin Zicheng decided that staying with Xu Jiaqi was better.

"Don't want to." He answered.

"..Then let us continue.. drinking." Xu Jiaqi's slender hand picked up her wine glass and sipped from it. She had a strong alcohol tolerance. This was her third pour. The wine had quite a high concentration, but it didn't affect either her or Qin Zicheng.

Now that the two leads arrived, her tension increased. She loathed losing, so she was very serious towards the mission.

The incident that happened earlier was unaccounted for. She had thought about the possible conclusions about this matter. In the short story provided to her, Xu Jiaqi stayed as an outsider, creating a barrier between her and Zhou Yuan.

She also did not bother Bai Mengxue even after Zhou Yuan displayed clear signs of affection for the woman. And yet, Zhou Yuan came to berate her, stating her wickedness as the reason. Bai Mengxue's name was mentioned, making her suspicious of this girl's true character.

Bai Mengxue may not be as simple as she thought. The girl viewed as pure and lively by everyone, is still a girl in heart.

If there is something to note down about Zhou Yuan and Bai Mengxue's relationship, it would be that they didn't even enter a formal linkage even after ambiguously interacting for a long time in the story.

Zhou Yuan was quite dumb, and held a natural distrust to people due to his relatively harsh childhood. He didn't confess to Bai Mengxue up until the poor girl saved his life from a car accident, which she luckily ended up with only minor injuries for.

In this period of uncertainty, Bai Mengxue's status towards Zhou Yuan was something that could be overturned any moment now.

Naturally, if Bai Mengxue found out about a person like Xu Jiaqi, who was better than her in all aspects.. all hell would break loose.

The negative thoughts she was burdened with would spiral out of control, creating a perpetual growth of self doubt and blame towards Zhou Yuan.

Because Xu Jiaqi could threaten her. Threaten her status as Zhou Yuan's partner.

Pertaining Xu Jiaqi's showcase of love, the woman never voiced out her feelings to the actual person, but she routinely helped Zhou Yuan out during his moments of distress and did not hesitate giving him resources others would fight for.

Even a blind person could tell that this big miss had some special feelings. What prevented Bai Mengxue from finding out about Xu Jiaqi's acts, when she was so famous and renowned?

Then, considering those facts, what are the chances of her being a secret instigator behind the man's back? Quite high.

A woman's jealousy was scary. It was very easy to evoke negative emotions, much more easier than positive ones. Even though Bai Mengxue was a female lead, she was still a human.

'I might be thinking too far. System, note down the things I just thought about.' Xu Jiaqi decided that she would let things progress naturally first before taking a stance.

[Understood, Host.]

The System diligently did his job up until another flag was raised.

[Host, the two leads are looking at you. Bai Mengxue has whispered some things to the Zhou Yuan, and his expression is now warped. The System detected anger. Please proceed with caution.]