
This small act was subtle, but people with sharp eyes would catch it. Not to mention, the person who experienced the treatment herself, Bai Mengxue. Her eyes widened in shock as she didn't expect Zhou Yuan to do that.

"Yuan.. ge?" With an uncertain, shaky voice, the woman tugged on Zhou Yuan's sleeves, but the man in question refused to meet her gaze and turned away. "Yuan ge.. you promised to take justice for me!" she continued her approach.

"Mengxue, there is a limit to everything. Go apologize to Miss Xu right now." Zhou Yuan was already starting to sense that the situation was bad for him and wanted to get out of this as quick as possible. Even if it meant having to make the woman he liked suffer slightly.

"Yuan ge, you can't do this ah. You can't!" Tears streamed down Bai Mengxue's face as she shook her head. It was a very pitiable appearance, but this was reality and not fiction. "You promised to me. You promised to me, right?"

"..I will make it up to you later." Zhou Yuan was resolute. He was already under the painful and piercing stares of the attendees and wanted to hide himself out of the public eyes. "Mengxue, don't be unreasonable,"

After all, their bond won't be broken. It's just that he needed to protect his career. His heart jumped when he saw Qin Zicheng willing to do extensive approaches just to protect Xu Jiaqi, and he learned that it wasn't possible to press on this matter anymore.

The reason he came forward to confront Xu Jiaqi in the first place was Bai Mengxue. If not for her request, then he wouldn't have been involved in this public incident. Slowly, seeds of frustration appeared inside Zhou Yuan's heart, aligned towards Bai Mengxue. His perception towards the sweet young woman degraded by the slightest bit.

Typically, characters of a set storyline, especially in novels, were very rigid. Everything seemed to work favoring them, even to unbelievable heights. However, upon dropping Xu Jiaqi and causing ripples in this fate, naturally things would change.

The first effect: Zhou Yuan's sensibility meter rising up in numbers. He became able to think straight after receiving provocation from Xu Jiaqi and being taught how things worked outside of their rose tinted parameters.

Xu Jiaqi looked at the scene with interest. She already knew that the tutorial world was supposed to be easier, but did not expect the difficulty to be this low. Just some simple moves and their bond was shaken.

Bai Mengxue ended up having to apologize, even though she felt wronged. The couple soon left after the drama ended, and the party's attendees also dissolved to cater to their own matters.

Qin Zicheng and Xu Jiaqi stayed in place, going back to sit down and chat.

"Qiqi, did you not like my ways just now?" Qin Zicheng's hand clasped Xu Jiaqi's as he looked at her with almost a pleading gaze. If Noah was still here, it would be much more than just a shock for him to discover how the young master was currently acting.

Who didn't know Qin Zicheng within the high society? The talented, masterful heir of the Qin family that had already gained control over the array of blocks he touched within the large family's resources.

Previously, Xu Jiaqi didn't jerk away even after he made physical moves, so he was very ecstatic about it and thought that the woman accepted him. He became even bolder with his approach, so he held her waist back then. The woman didn't back away.

Thus, Qin Zicheng's current perception on their budding relationship was quite great. He had to look for a suitable partner to present to his family anyway, and Xu Jiaqi was attracting him quite a lot. It wouldn't be bad to align himself with her further.

"No.. I am very satisfied. Thank you, Zicheng ge." Xu Jiaqi replied, chuckling lowly as she leaned forwards to draw her own approach towards Qin Zicheng. "That was very kind of you."

[Host, the original soul is supposed to hold affection for Zhou Yuan. Her love was so great. If she suddenly diverts this early.. won't it be a penalty worthy act?] The System interjected, watching his Host display her charms towards this unsuspecting man.

'Ao, let me just fix it for you. Wait a moment.. let's see. After being approached by the uncouth man like that, Xu Jiaqi began to question her true emotions and whether or not the man she liked was truly worthy of her. When she went down to the party, she came across a splendid young man who presented her with great character and treated her well. A stark comparison was made between the two male candidates, and Xu Jiaqi's heart was starting to shake after she saw Zhou Yuan, the slag she used to love treat her unfairly and dote on Bai Mengxue unconditionally. Perhaps, her true fate wasn't Zhou Yuan, and she needed to open her eyes and heart towards others?'  Xu Jiaqi narrated. She even used a suitable tone and intonation for the important words.

[..Very detailed, thank you very much.]


[Yes, yes. Go back to your acting, I will tweak some things and send the impromptu.. plot you gave as my report later. Do whatever you want as long as the mission gets completed, you probably need Qin Zicheng as your target later on anyway, right?]

'I did plan to do so.. but I don't know if I can handle this man with my current body.. Haah, this body is so thin and frail. Qin Zicheng was right, I'm just like a bunny that can be hurt very easily~ But what if Qin Zicheng, this ferocious wolf,  wants to eat me? Can't handle, can't handle!' Xu Jiaqi complained.

[..Can't handle what?] The System anxiously asked.

They had been in this world for less than a day, could it be that the Host was already starting to form indecent thoughts? No, no, no, that shouldn't be right. Considering Host's intake on the world, it should be that she is laying blocks to pave the way for her perfect lifestyle.

Sex- No, copulating was a natural thing. It was natural. Natural. It's natural, right?!

System: Help, I don't know how to consult my Host about body mashing interactions.