
"Zenith..? What's wrong with you.. Why were you running so fast like that?" She shirked away, questioning him while awkwardly scratching the side of her face.

Zenith usually has an indifferent face. Now, his brows were furrowed, and he was obviously not too happy.

"Why? Why, you say? My lady, I am perfectly aware that you are fearless, and I have witnessed this quality of yours with my own eyes, but could you restrain yourself in Palla? It will be extremely bad if you had gotten caught! Just imagine what-" Zenith raised his volume as his emotions were exploding.

He hurriedly regained his calm and looked at Xu Jiaqi sternly, as if she was a child who did something wrong and had to be lectured. He waited for her to respond to his claims, no longer saying anything.

"..No one will know if I don't get caught, right? What makes you think that someone will be able to spot me?"

Instead of repenting or realizing her mistake, she said this.