
"I don't know about.. such a thing called love. I don't think that I will ever love someone.. In this life, or in my future lifetimes, too. After all.. If I can't even be satisfied with myself, if I can't be content with my own state, how could I learn to love others? I'm not someone who is suited to do such a thing. I am not worthy of loving.. just like nobody is worthy of being loved by me. Not even the greatest being."

The words flowed out of her mouth. It was a combination of her own values, and the vague ideals that existed inside her mind. The ideals that.. came from the abyss that made her feel incomplete.

She was confused with herself. She didn't have time to offer her heart to somebody else.

A cursed blessing.

She was content with herself. She knew this. Her self confidence was akin to no other.

And yet.. She didn't feel complete.

'Exactly what am I missing for me to feel this way?'