
That was the beauty of their souls, the owner of two tragic threads of fate that just couldn't be straightened out. Even though they were so perfect with each other, even though they were a match made in heaven, there were just some things that wouldn't work out for them.

[..What good would come out if they had to suffer for years in exchange for small bits of happiness?] The System thought.

He had been hiding away ever since Xie Yongrui came to interrupt his Host because he was afraid that that being's soul would catch waves of what he had been doing over the course of all this time.

To avoid getting disrupted, he hid himself away and observed as the two clearly already felt something for each other. Beyond love, akin to a spiritual bond too sacred to separate.

The lovers were once a pair that everyone envied. The two 'perfect' beings who fell in love with each other and shared an unbreakable bond.