
[How is it, Host? As part of your reward, your soul will naturally be strengthened.. Also, for the extra reward.. En, how do I say this? It's not going to be an item, but rather..] The System inquired after seeing his Host finish reading.

He was hesitant while voicing his announcement, which made Xu Jiaqi confused.

'What are you so scared of? Is the reward bad?' Xu Jiaqi frowned, wondering why the System couldn't speak clearly.

[Host, the reward is exclusively for me. I got upgraded.. There's nothing else. I-I also think that it's unfair, Host! How can they do this~!] The System wailed as he lamented their fate. To him, this reward was of course a good thing, but what about his Host?

Xu Jiaqi blinked. She became even more confused. How come the System actually thought that she wouldn't like the reward? The System was her one and only companion, the one who actually understands her situation. She didn't get what was going on.