Going Together

"So how was my uncle at that time?" Fang Yin asked Quan Qi, who was currently lying on his bed. He smiled at Fang Yin who acted like a very strong man. Fang Yin was so confident and thought that Quan Qi didn't know the truth that she was a girl. Quan Qi then started telling Fang Yin about what he knew at that time. Quan Qi didn't know for sure what happened, but he did know that general Zhang Hao had been arrested by his father.

But of course, Quan Qi wouldn't tell him that he was the son of the leader of the desert. He had claimed to be the son of a soldier from the Xia kingdom. "At that time I had just returned from the forest because I was a child, I was just playing and hunting. When I arrived at our house, I saw a lot of soldiers who were injured at that time. Then I eavesdropped and found out that the desert troops had attacked the border. and win that war.

"Our troops were defeated and General Zhang Hao was captured by several other warrior leaders. We survivors at that time remained on the border that had been controlled by the desert forces. They fortunately only controlled the border and did not torture us. Then a few months ago, the desert forces released general Zhang Hao with the other prisoners after the two sides made an agreement. " Quan Qi made up the story with great confidence and Fang Yin was forced to believe what Quan Qi was telling. He had no other choice at the moment but to believe what Quan Qi said.

"Quan Qi, then his Uncle at the border or in the capital right now?" asked Fang Yin with great enthusiasm. The only information she could currently trust was Quan Qi's words. "I believe they are in the capital because the border is still controlled by the desert forces." Fang Yin nodded his head. She then glared intently at Quan Qi. After that, she lay beside Quan Qi because the bed in the room they rented was only one. Quan Qi smiled, his heart trembling as Fang Yin's back touched his hand.

"Fangfang, are we leaving tomorrow morning?" Quan Qi asked Fang Yin who had his back to him. Meanwhile, Fang Yin who was already a little sleepy just nodded his head. Somehow she liked the call given by Quan Qi. "Fangfang" muttered Fang Yin before closing his eyes. They both finally fell asleep with their backs to each other. The two of them slept soundly until early morning.

The next day, Fang Yin woke up early, he then got ready to continue his journey. Once he was ready she immediately woke up Quan Qi and the two of them immediately set off for the capital. It will take about three days to reach the capital. The two of them rode their horses. After half a day, Quan Qi felt very tired and he fell off his horse.

"Quan Qi! Are you okay?" Fang Yin asked immediately stopping his horse and immediately running towards Quan Qi and helping him get up. Fang Yin immediately examined the wound on Quan Qi's left chest, she then let out a sigh of relief as the wound didn't bleed again. "Luckily your wound doesn't reopen. Then we'll rest for a while and also eat our provisions. For dinner, we'll meet a town later." Fang Yin immediately took out his provisions and gave some to Quan Qi and some to himself.

"Fangfang, are you really worried about me?" Quan Qi asked blushed a little knowing Fang Yin cared so much for him. Meanwhile, Fang Yin rolled his eyes when she heard what his new friend said. "Quan Qi! Don't be overconfident. I will only feel troubled if you open your wound again, it will make our journey longer, while my provisions are running low and I only have a few tails of silver left. I'm afraid that if we don't arrive soon, we will run out of provisions in the middle of a trip. " said Fang Yin bluntly.

Quan Qi felt so guilty, it must all be because Fang Yin helped him yesterday, he then thought of something and smiled. They then continued their journey after feeling well-rested. They had to immediately arrive at the next city before evening because every night, the city gates that they were going to pass at this time would be closed and would be rebuilt the next day. What if they are late, they will definitely spend the night in the open again later.

"Fangfang! I feel very tired right now. I have to rest for a while. You better continue your journey first. We will meet again tomorrow morning in the city. If you accompany me, I'm afraid we will be late and the gate will be closed soon." Quan Qi asked Fang Yin to continue his journey alone. Actually, Quan Qi was not tired, but he didn't want Fang Yin to spend money on himself because he didn't have a penny. Tomorrow he would replace all of Fang Yin's money that had been spent on his treatment.

Fang Yin did not answer what Quan Qi said. She immediately took off his horse and immediately left Quan Qi for the city. Quan Qi could only shake his head. He had expected that Fang Yin was annoyed because he was burdening her so much. He then immediately tied his horse to a tree behind a bush and immediately made a fire to warm his body because the air was getting colder as the sky grew darker.

Quan Qi was currently lying on a pile of dried bush that he used for his sleeping mat, then he immediately got up and hid when he heard the footsteps of horses approaching towards where he was resting. He was hiding behind a big tree and wanted to know who was coming. Quan Qi was worried that they were his father's bodyguards who were after him because they might find out that he was still alive. When that person arrived at the location where he was sleeping earlier, Quan Qi immediately attacked the person and they ended up fighting. the two stopped when Quan Qi recognized who it was.