Yueyue Disappeared

Meanwhile, at the current palace, Yueyue was packing up her belongings. He then disguised himself as a servant and immediately left his room. Yueyue went straight through the back door of the palace. He will look for Fang Yin and will invite him back. Yueyue really loves Fang Yin and she will make sure that Fang Yin is all right now.

Yueyue was finally able to get out of the palace with the help of Jing Xi, who had now returned to being a servant. He would remain in the palace and say that Fang Yin and Yueyue were currently suffering from an infectious disease. When the governor arrived, he was suspicious of what Jing Xi had said. Zhang Hao immediately checked his daughter's room and found that she was not in his room. "Jing Xi, tell me where Yueyue is!" Zhang Hao snapped at his daughter's very stupid personal servant and gave her daughter a helping hand to escape.

"Forgive me, sir. Miss said she will return soon after finding Miss Fang yin. She will be back soon, calm down sir!" Jing Xi was very scared and she didn't dare look at her master who was currently so angry. "You are so stupid! You are useless." Zhang Hao immediately left the palace and immediately headed to the traditional market. If you want to leave the capital, you have to pass through the gate near the market which is open from morning to noon. After the afternoon, the traders will pack their wares and leave the capital to return to their respective cities.

Zhang Hao asked the bodyguards to look for his daughter and they immediately spread out to look for their Miss, unfortunately, Yueyue disguised herself as a commoner at this time, she immediately bought clothes in the market as soon as she left the palace. While Zhang Hao and his guards were busy looking for Yueyue, the girl was currently on a train that had taken her out of the capital. Earlier he heard that Fang Yin returned to his residence to see his father.

"Yin Er, I'm very worried about you. Where are you at this time?" Yueyue asked herself. Now he closed his eyes and fell asleep. Yueyue was too innocent, she really believed that the person who was currently giving her a ride was a good person, even though this person was a person who was a syndicate that sold girls to be slaves to be brought to the meadow where the desert troops lived. they like pretty girls to satisfy their lust.

Meanwhile, Yueyue was currently heading to the border. While on his way, he encountered Quan Qi who was also heading to the Grasslands where the Desert troops lived. He will meet his mother who is sick. "Fangfang! Why are you here? Haven't you met your uncle?" Quan Qi asked Fang Yin who was tying his horse. "I've met him and also got answers about what I've been looking for." Fang Yin then sat down to join Quan Qi and Mujin who were roasting the chicken they had caught for their dinner.

"Then why are you here now? Where are you going?" asked Quan Qi, feeling very curious because they were currently so close to the border. "I will go to the graves of my parents at the border. They were buried behind General Zhang Hao's residence at that time. I haven't seen them in a very long time. I will meet my parents to pay their respects." Fang Yin didn't say his true purpose.

"But now that the border is controlled by the desert forces, how do you get in?" asked Quan Qi who was very worried about Fang Yin. She was very afraid that Fang Yin would get into trouble. Although Fang Yin was currently disguising himself as a man, Quan Qi was very worried about him. Especially at this time, he couldn't accompany Fang Yin because he had to meet his mother who was sick. According to Mujin, his mother currently lives on the border. They left the barracks because they had pretty good healers on the border. While his father was still with the Desert troops.

"Fangfang, there is very dangerous. I can't accompany you at this time, how about you wait for me in a place? I have a place that is quite safe, later when my business is finished, I will meet you there, how?" Quan Qi really hoped that Fang Yin would do what he said. "Quan Qi, why are you so worried? I'll be fine, but alright! I'll meet my parents and then I'll wait for you where you say." Fang Yin then received a portion of roasted chicken and the three of them immediately ate it.

"Mujin, you went with Fangfang and after delivering him to our place, you immediately met me." Mujin just nodded his head. He felt very confused by the attitude of his young master. Why was he so concerned about Fang Yin. They are both men, does the master have a sexual disorder or what? inner Mujin without daring to say it. He then made it right for them to spend the night. Fang Yin and Quan Qi slept in a place that Mujin made, while Mujin slept on a tree branch, he also watched over where they were staying the night at this time. Shao er's bodyguards often roamed this place. They shouldn't know that Quan Qi is still alive at this time.

Fang Yin and Quan Qi slept on the same bed, they slept very soundly from exhaustion. Meanwhile, Mujin is still monitoring where they are at this time. In the morning, Mujin closed his eyes briefly while Fang Yin and Quan Qi were packing. They will split up here and will meet at the place they promised. Fang Yin immediately left with Mujin while Quan Qi went alone to the border. He immediately met his mother who was sick with the help of bodyguards who were still loyal to him.

Quan Qi finally managed to see his mother. He was very sad because his mother's condition was very poor. When Quan Qi arrived, his mother was very happy. She immediately hugged her son tightly. the son she had missed so much all this time. "Quan Qi, how are you, son?" asked his mother who immediately answered with a smile by Quan Qi.

"As you can see. You have to get well, then I'll be fine. I'll be back safely someday, but for now, I can't see you often." Quan Qi was very happy because his mother looked better, after a while, he immediately left his mother who had promised to take care of her health when Quan Qi promised to return someday. After seeing her mother and having confirmed that her mother would be fine until she returned, Quan Qi immediately headed to the place where Fang Yin was currently waiting for him.