Meet Mujin

Meanwhile, Prince Rui Fengying was currently furious at the palace because it had been a week of searching, but they had not received any news about his future wife and little sister. Prince Rui Fengying was furious and asked his guards to summon Governor Zhan Hao, but instead, he was currently at the border to reclaim the city on the border that he once lived in. Governor Zhang Hao finally decided not to force Fang Yin and Yueyue to get married, and he also spread rumors that his two daughters had disappeared and did not know whether their fate was dead or still alive.

This, of course, made the leader of the desert troops furious. And he felt that Governor Zhang Hao had played him. In fact, Governor Zhang Hao was completely ignorant, and the two girls had indeed fled of their own accord, but that made Wu Shang Tang misunderstood. Currently, he was going to defend the border; he immediately dispatched three thousand additional soldiers while those in Their border region had five thousand soldiers, while Governor Zhang Hao only had five thousand soldiers he brought with him at the moment. They were approaching the border, and the Desert troops were also ready to welcome the soldiers from the Xia kingdom led by the governor Zhang Hao.

Finally, it could not avoid a war between the two sides. Many soldiers from the Xia kingdom died due to the war; currently, only two thousand soldiers belong to the Xia kingdom, so that finally. Governor Zhang Hao ordered his troops to withdraw immediately. They then immediately returned to the Governor's residence because Prince Rui Fengying forbade Governor Zhang Hao to return to the capital before Princess Rui Fang Yin and Yueyue returned. It was the punishment that the prince gave to Governor Zhang Hao.

Meanwhile, now that Fang Yin had become an official consort of the Empress, she was deeply loved by Empress Yuanyuan. Currently, Fang Yin was cleaning the empress's body as it was already evening. "Yinyin, are you comfortable with us staying here?" asked the empress to Fang Yin, who then answered her question with a nod and a smile. "Of course Your Majesty, especially seeing you healthy and always smiling makes me feel happy too. I've never had a mother, so when I see you happy, I also feel very happy." Fang Yin smiled and immediately begged to say goodbye to going to the city for a while to buy something he would give to the empress; after all, it was her day off.

"Yinyin, I'm also very happy to see you smile like that. Be careful! Come back tomorrow and I will give you a day off today and tomorrow." said Empress Yuanyuan. Fang Yin smiled and immediately said goodbye. "Very well, Your Majesty, I will do as you command." Fang Yin immediately left the barracks and immediately took his horse; she went to the city to celebrate the fair, held once a week. However, Fang Yin would not go out every week, and she would look for information about who the person she would match up with and who the real son of Empress Yuanyuan was.

After Fang Yin left, Mujin and Quan Qi came, paid their respects to the empress, and were pleased because the empress's health was excellent. Quan Qi himself was really very happy to see his mother like this. "Mom, how can you get better so quickly?" asked Quan Qi as he sat beside his mother, who smiled as she saw her son return. The Empress was also pleased that Quan Qi was fine and unharmed as well. The Empress also heard that Shao Er and her husband, Wu Shang Tang were out to fight.

"Qi Er, this is all thanks to Yinyin, she takes good care of mother, she is actually the original servant of the governor's residence, but because I liked her so much, I then brought her here and she agreed. Currently she is my personal maid. servant, I'm sure she'll match you up, because she's a servant, I'll set her up with Mujin, she's your best bodyguard, then you should also give her the best gift. When mom gets better, mom will marry them both off. How about it, Mujin? Do you agree?" asked the empress to Mujin, who immediately nodded his head.

"Of course Your Majesty, I will accept whatever you give me. Thank you very much in advance." Mujin saluted the empress before pleading; he gave Quan Qi a chance to let go and talk to her mother in private. Mujin then immediately went to the city to look for something that he would give to the servant of the empress that he would be betrothed to. It has become a tradition that for introductions they will give each other gifts. So this time was used by Mujin to buy a gift even though he didn't know when he would give it.

Elsewhere, Fang Yin had arrived at the traditional market; the first thing she looked for was moon cake, she really liked the cake. Every time she came to town, she would always buy the cake. She would also buy an osmanthus cake for the empress. Fang yin was very happy, and she was currently busy shopping when his eyes caught a familiar figure, Mujin. Fang Yin saw Mujin getting closer to him, and luckily she was currently dressed as a woman, so she would try to get acquainted with Mujin with her new identity as a maid.