Defeating The Qingwa Tribe

Since joining the warriors led by Fang Yin, Quan Qi had never met Fang Yin in person. Currently, he was training together with Yunchi and the rest of the squad; meanwhile, Fang Yin was still taking care of his Uncle. "Uncle, why are you like this? Wake up! The poison in your body is gone. You should have woken up and taken back your troops! The Qingwa tribe has gone too far, they killed all the innocent civilians. Also pregnant women and children. " Fang Yin said to Governor Zhang Hao, who didn't respond at all to what Fang Yin said.

After she finished taking care of his uncle, Fang Yin then received a report from the bodyguards that she had sent to spy on the Qingwa tribal chief, who was attacking the border again. Fang Yin immediately asked Yunchi to bring trained troops and immediately head to the border. She immediately mounted his horse and immediately headed for the border. She would no longer be merciful to the chief of the Qingwa tribe, who had killed so many innocent people. When Fang Yin arrived, many corpses were already lying on the streets.

Fang Yin immediately headed to the General's residence she used to live with his Uncle and Yueyue. Fang Yin entered the living room and saw the Qingwa tribe chief already waiting for him with a mocking smile. "General Fang has finally arrived. Why do I have to kill more people to get you to meet me?" Qingwa chief asked Fang Yin, who didn't speak a word; she just glared at the Qingwa chief smiling mockingly. Fang Yin felt impatient, and she immediately attacked.

Finally, a fight between the two extremely formidable people was unavoidable. Fang Yin nimbly managed to defeat the Qinqwa chieftain, and currently, his sword was on the Qingwa chief's neck. When Yunchi and Quan Qi arrived, the Qingwa chief then smiled and pretended to admit guilt; he also wanted to make a deal with Fang Yin. "General Fang, I want to make a deal with you. I want us to make peace and form a coalition. I want to combine our two armies to attack the desert army, do you agree?" asked the chief of the Qingwa tribe to Fang Yin, who immediately smirked.

"Hongli, you better wake up and wash your face. To make peace and a coalition should be unconditional. If you still put forward conditions and ask me to join you to defeat the desert army leader, you are really dreaming. Our kingdom will not be at war with them again even if we nor are we in a coalition. We have agreed to go our separate ways." Fang Yin said while going back to paralyzing Hongli, Hongli again pleaded, and finally Fang Yin released Hongli. Unfortunately, just as Fang Yin was about to leave the place, Hongli sneakily removed the poison needle from under his clothes and intended to attack Fang Yin, but not Fang Yin if he didn't know. Just as the poison needle was about to reach his body, Fang Yin immediately deflected it with his sword, and the poison needle returned to Hongli and hit his right arm. Immediately h shouted, and he was immediately brought by his men back to the Qingwa tribe residence.

Quan Qi smiled at how resolute and dignified Fang Yin had become after becoming a general. Had his troops found out that their leader was a woman, he would surely have fainted and felt ashamed. "Fangfang, you are so adorable." said Quan Qi as he shook his head and left Fang Yin, who was talking to Yunchi. The two of them then immediately drove away from the surviving Qingwa tribe troops while their tribal chief had fled earlier due to being exposed to his own poison. Hongji knew very well how potent the poison was, and he didn't bring the antidote with him, so he was afraid that he would be too late to offer the poison.

"Mister Hongji, you should carry your antidote with you wherever you go. If things like this happen, we ourselves are in trouble and this will be fatal." Hongji's men advised his leader. Hongji was furious to hear that but also confirmed what his men said. Hongji then closed his eyes because he couldn't hold back the pain growing all over his body. He hoped that it would not damage his organs. When Hongji arrived, he was immediately treated by the best healer in the Qingwa tribe; unfortunately, Hongji's right hand was not saved and had to be cut off so that the poison would not spread further. 

"Watch out for you Fang! I will take revenge for the loss of my right arm. I will also cut off your arm one day, an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth." that Hongji said as he closed his eyes, he felt exhausted and had to sleep to relieve the little pain he was feeling. Hongji then fell into a deep sleep. Meanwhile, Fang Yin had managed to clean up the mess at the border, and now she immediately returned to their barracks between the border and the prairie. Fang Yin immediately saw his uncle's state, which still hadn't changed. Fang Yin then returned to his room after confirming that his uncle was fine. Meanwhile, prince Rui Fengying had accidentally arrived at the refugee camp in the valley where Yueyue lived.

He immediately showed Yueyue and Fang Yin's sketches, and of course, the citizens knew that Yueyue was here; they told them where Yueyue lived. Luckily Liu Ying overheard it, so he immediately returned home and informed Yueyue. The two of them immediately left their house out of the valley. They were far away from the valley, so when Prince Rui Fengying arrived, the house was empty.