Back to the Palace

Prince Rui Fang Yin was still lying behind Fang Yin's body, and he still imagined how beautiful Fang Yin was when his cheeks turned red with embarrassment. A while later, Fang Yin got up and got off the rock they had made their bed on. Fang Yin, who was wearing Rui Fengying's clothes, immediately stood up and asked Prince Rui Fengying to take him back to Anyang and Xian cities; she had to go back to overseeing his troops, who were still cleaning up yesterday's battle. "Your Majesty, may I borrow your horse? I will return to the border myself if you don't want to accompany me. I have to meet with Quan Qi and Yunchi and tell them to be careful, and I'm sure Tian Wangting will come back again because he will definitely not accept it." with this defeat. Moreover, we have burned their food supply warehouse." Fang Yin half pleaded.