Towards the Capital

Meanwhile currently, Fang Yin was still at the inn. She would immediately continue his journey to the capital if he couldn't meet Shuai. She had delayed his trip too long. When she got to the palace later, Fang Yin would ask his Uncle for help to find Shuai. Fang Yin immediately got up, and now she was preparing to tour the city. Before evening, whether she met Shuai or not, he would leave Anyang city for the capital.

"Uncle, do you know how I got the horse?" Fang Yin asked the innkeeper. Fang Yin saw that this inn also had many horses. It was just that he didn't know whether they belonged to the inn or belonged to the customer. "Miss, we also have horses for rent or for customers to buy, if you need a horse, you can choose according to the money you have." said the innkeeper who immediately led Fang Yin to the stables after Fang Yin said that she was currently looking for a horse to buy.