Tenacity over Skill pt. 2

"If Dustan wins, you're going to have to apologize to him."

Apologize? Why?

I didn't have the chance to retort as Alva dashed off, leaving me to my thoughts. For a moment, I mused over his words. It sounded like whining in my ears.

But, I couldn't shake this feeling—not that I had a name for it.

It was time for Dustan's match. We went down three floors to enter the Anguilla guild, Jaeger's turf. Despite it's slimy nature, the whole floor was clean. As compared to the other guilds, his floor was relatively organized and devoid of unnecessary trash like statues of themselves or oversized weapon's gallery that's hardly even used.

The place was amazing. But then again, that's to be expected. This is, after all, one of the top floors.

The attendants quickly led us to the arena for the match. Before we could even enter, I could already hear the loud cheers. I smirked.

The crowd was huge, filling up the seats and even the halls. I gotta hand it to Jaeger for arranging this crowd in a matter of hours so to speak. Looks like Jaeger did a good job advertising this match up. It takes a lot of connections and wit to be able to do that.

Jaeger is a shrewd man, indeed. Really, he should change careers and become a businessman. I feel like that's a better fit for him.

As soon as the referee was done with his preliminary speeches and introduction of the fighters, he called on my name and Jaegers to sign the contract, officiating our bet and making the whole crowd our witness. At the very least, this will make Jaeger keep his end on the bargain.

After signing, the referee ushered me to the front row seat with Alva.

Then, they called on Dustan and his opponent to start the match.

"Hey." I heard Alva. "What's that?" He pointed to the large water tank that emerged from the floor of the arena. My eyes widened in surprise. It can't be—

I looked at Jaeger from the other side of the arena. His eyes glinted in mischief. I couldn't help but grit my teeth in anger.

That slimy bastard. Even I think this is too much for Dustan!

Dustan, a son of a noble, who has little to no experience getting dirtied and playing dirty—it's obvious that the kid doesn't even know what this tank entails.

Dang. I gotta pull him out of there before he gets in.

I signaled for a break then jumped over the fence surrounding the seats.

"Hey!! What're you doing?"

I ignored Alva. Running to Dustan, I called out for him. "Dustan!"

"Master." Dustan remained unperturbed—which only shows how much he doesn't know. Because if he did know what that tank meant, he'd be trembling in fear.

"Let's get out of here, Dustan. Shows over." I said in between gritted teeth.

"But, Master your reputation. I—"

"My reputation means nothing, Dustan. It is something that is easily tarnished. But, it can be restored with time. Your life, on the other hand, cannot be brought back."

"You're right Master... But, please. I want to participate in this match. I will make you proud, Master." He smiled, unbeknownst to the peril he currently faces. I grabbed his shoulders.

"You don't need to make me proud!" I exclaimed in anger. "Look, you life matters. Do not be a martyr for a lost cause."

"But, didn't you make the bet to get rid of us?"

I flinched. My grip on him loosened. I hesitated.

"... It doesn't matter now. You are not fighting in that death cage."

"Master, I have listened to your commands. I will never disobey you. And so I only ask this of you, Master—please let me."

I couldn't say anything back.

He wanted the match. But, why? Is it because of my reputation? Is he that worried about my well-being?

Looking into his sincere eyes, I could see his resolve. Alva was right. I have been unfair to Dustan.

I let out a sigh of defeat. "Alright. I'll tell you everything there is to know about the mechanics of this death match."




As soon as the break was over, the referee motioned Dustan and his opponent to the tank.

"As Sir Jaeger received the challenge, he had chosen a water cage to be the setting for the duel. Both brave warriors will be chained to the bottom of the tank and engage in battle. This fight shall end until one of them dies." The referee explained nonchalantly.

"Die?!" Alva exclaimed. "What does he mean die?!!"

"Just as he meant, no doubt." I crossed my arms in front of me, anxiously watching Dustan's reaction.

"Please come to the tank."

Both Dustan and his opponent went to the edge and immersed themselves in the water tank. The supporting staff put a chain in their right ankle. Their chains were connected and went under the loop.

A tug war.

Essentially, the one who manages to overpower the other wins the match. A most rambunctious form of entertainment indeed. That slimy man.

The gong rang, signaling the start of the match. I had to grip my seat to keep myself from ripping Jaeger's smug smile from his ugly face.

Dustan was pulled to the floor of the tank, his opponent being able to overpower him in an instant. Struggling, the kid tugged on his chain. His opponent's head shot out of the water.

But, it was short-lived as Dustan finally manage to pull down his opponent. Dustan kept pulling until his opponent was back to the bottom of the tank. The guy tried to break free from Dustan's hold, dragging Dustan towards him.

However, the kid was able to use the loop as an anchor, a foothold, and pull back. I smirked.

"That's it kid." I muttered under my breath as I watched Dustan drag the guy's chain over to his side. The guy couldn't do anything as he had no stable footing. As soon as Dustan saw the opportunity, he shot up, resurfacing from the depths of the tank.

Dustan hungrily gasped air then swam to the edge of the tank. He tightly held onto the side of the pool. His opponent was still stuck at the bottom as he missed his chance to counter attack. The guy was also low on oxygen.

Any minute now, he's going to drown.

"That's it Dustan! Hold your position!" I couldn't help but cheer. But then, Dustan did the unthinkable.

He swam back to the bottom of the tank. There, the half-conscious guy was floating freely.

"What is he doing?" The crowd murmured to each other, unsure of what stunt he's gonna pull. To my absolute surprise, Dustan took off the shackles on his opponent's leg and swam him to the surface.

Climbing out of the tank, he dropped the guy to his side then collapsed.
