What Have They Done To Us?

The second Liz had seen the stone-grey eyes of the Chead, the memories came flooding back, and she'd found herself back in her parents' house, in the home she'd been raised in. Once, it had been a safe place, a sanctuary amidst the harsh world outside.

Now though, in her memories, a perpetual shadow hung over its wooden hallways, sucking away the light, the life it had once born.

In her mind, she saw again the rubble-strewn corridor, the broken floorboards and pooling blood. She saw herself turn the corner, saw the body lying in the corridor, strangely whole, while those outside had lain in pieces.

And her mother, standing over the body, her grey eyes staring.

With a scream, Liz tore herself from the memory, returning to the present, to the room, and to Chris.

And to the Chead.

Still reeling, caught in the clutches of remembered horror, she'd barely heard the conversation between Chris and the Chead. She had only woken when Chris had pushed her from the path of Chead's charge. Anger had lit in her stomach, waking her from the fear, restoring her to life.

Now, as she edged sideways around the Chead, she let that anger grow, fed it with every injustice she'd ever suffered. It was her only weapon now, her only strength against the sheer ferocity of the creature standing between them. Opposite her, Chris faced the creature, drawing it away, until its back was turned to her. But before she could strike, the Chead leapt for Chris.

Fear chilled her stomach as blows crashed against flesh. To her surprise, Chris did not go down. Edging closer, she saw him deflect another blow, his arms moving faster than thought, the crack of fists connecting with bone ringing from the walls.

Liz stared, her mouth wide with disbelief. What she was watching was not possible. Chris was keeping pace with the violent speed of the Chead, matching it blow for blow, punch for punch. Her eyes could barely keep up with their frenzied movements. The air itself seemed to shake with the strength of each clash, and still Chris stood, holding his own.

What have they done to us?

Her skin tingled as the question whispered in her mind. But there was no time to contemplate the answers, no time to consider the implications. Instead, she gathered herself and slid closer, searching for an opening.

Then, an attack slipped beneath Chris's guard. It slammed into his stomach, driving him to his knees. The color fled his face as the Chead stepped in, raising a fist to deliver the final blow.

Seeing her chance, Liz sprang forward and drove her heel into the back of the Chead's knee. Idly, she hoped whatever changes had been wrought on the Chead had not removed the cluster of nerve endings located behind the kneecap.

The boy's bloodcurdling shriek answered her question. The Chead's leg crumbled beneath the force of the blow, sending it crashing to the ground. Clenching her teeth, Liz stepped towards it as Chris rolled away.

She swung a kick at its head, but the Chead was already recovering. Quick as a cobra it twisted, a hand flashing out to catch her by the leg. Before she could free herself, it stood, grey eyes glittering. A growl came from its throat as it lifted her by the leg and held her upside-down. Gasping, she fought to break its hold, but its fingers were like iron. Knowing it was useless, Liz lashed out with a fist, catching it in the cheek.

Shock reverberated up her arm as the blow connected. The fingers around her leg loosened, and suddenly she was falling. She landed awkwardly and looked up to see the Chead stumbling backwards, one hand raised to its face. It straightened with a roar, its gaze sweeping down to find her on the floor.

Liz's courage crumbled as she looked into its awful eyes. All semblance of humanity had fled the creature now, melting in the red-hot flames of its rage. Hardly daring to breathe, she backed towards Chris, any thoughts of attacking falling away.

Snarling, it stepped after her.

"Now you've done it," Chris panted, his hand reaching for hers.

She clenched her hand around his, drawing strength from his presence, then released him. Together they watched the Chead approach.

With a roar, it leapt.

Chris sprang forward to meet it, screaming his defiance. He deflected the first swing of the creature's fist, but this time the force of the blow sent him reeling, and Liz had to step aside to avoid him. Then the Chead was on her, fists flying, lips drawn back in a snarl, its half-mad screams echoing from the mirrored glass.

A fist caught Liz in the cheek, staggering her, then the Chead's shoulder crashed into her chest. The breath rushed from her lungs as she was thrown backwards into the wall. Her head whipped back, striking the padding, and despite the soft surface, her vision spun. Groaning, she slid down the wall, struggling to catch her breath.

Across the room, Chris fought on, but he was no longer a match for the Chead's strength. And it was faster now, its speed and ferocity far beyond human capabilities. With contempt, it knocked aside his blows. A fist crashed into his face, sending him stumbling backwards, but he refused to yield. Straightening, he launched himself back into the fray.

Desperately, Liz struggled back to her feet.

A shout drew her attention back to the fight. The Chead had caught Chris's fist in one hand. Chris screamed again, though this time neither of them moved. An awful crack came from Chris's fist as he sank to his knees. The color fled his face and he gave an awful groan. One-handed, he struggled to get his feet back under him—until the Chead's other hand smashed into the side of his head. Chris went limp at the blow, his breathing ragged, one hand still caught in the creature's grip.

Silently, Liz stood. The Chead's back was turned to her, its attention focused on tearing Chris limb from limb. She flinched as another blow thudded into Chris's head. This time he made no effort to avoid it. A low gurgle came from his throat as the Chead lifted him by the arm, dragging him back to his feet.

Liz moved quickly, knowing she only had seconds to act. The soft floor made no noise beneath her bare feet. Without pausing to think, she hurled herself at the creature's back. This time she aimed high, sweeping her forearm over its shoulder. Before it could react, she pulled her arm tight against its throat and leaned back. Her feet caught the ground and she pulled harder, dragging it backwards off-balance.

The Chead gave a strangled cry. Releasing Chris, it turned its attention on her. Knowing she could not match its strength or weight, Liz allowed herself to fall backwards, dragging the Chead down with her. It landed on her chest, driving the breath from her lungs, but still she held on, forearm tight across its collared throat.

Sensing its plight, the Chead thrashed against her. Its legs kicked out, catching Liz in the shins. Pain lanced from her leg as something went crack, but no force on earth would make her let go now.

Not even death.

Long seconds passed, and the creature's struggles weakened. Its legs no longer beat against the floor, and its relentless strength no longer pressed so hard against her.

Movement came from beyond the Chead. Chris staggered to his feet, his face already turning purple from bruises, one eye so swollen she could barely see it. Even so, he stumbled forward and fell to his knees beside her. Raising his fist, he drove it into the Chead's face.

Liz felt the power of Chris's blow through the Chead. Its body went limp in her arms, but still she did not relent.

Only when she was satisfied it was no longer moving did Liz loosen her grip. With Chris's help, they heaved the dead weight from her chest.

Then she was embracing Chris, pulling him to her, clinging desperately at his back. An awful sob built in her chest and escaped in a rush. Chris's arms tightened around her, and then he was sobbing too, his hot wet tears falling on her shoulder.

They clung to each other in silence, and let the horror wash over them.