She sits in her room and thinks about the life she lives. How she got to where she is today. Still knows nothing of her true parents, yet has been treated so poorly by the world. She's never had a true home. Her only consistency in her life was her twin brother. She felt trapped most days, trapped in a system that would never give a damn about her or her brother. What can she do? Where should she go?
* * *
It's a Thursday, Jade lays in bed dreading the day ahead of her. She wishes she could just lay in bed in peace while no one is home. Let the world fly by her as she stays in one place and watches the chaos flow about. Unluckily though, she has school ahead of her. She finally gets up and heads to the shower. She gets in and takes her nice warm shower, about the only time she ever gets peace.
Twenty-five minutes later her brother, Jason, knocks on the door as Jade is finishing up getting dressed. She opens the door and greets him with a big smile. Jason is her older, by five minutes, twin brother. He's the only one who's ever shown love and kindness toward her. They both tell each other everything. They never hold anything back from each other. He's her best friend and she, his.
"Hey sis, did you have a nice shower without the foster parents here?" Jason asks her.
"Yes, very peaceful," Jade replied. "Now just have to get to this horrible hell called school."
They both laugh and get their things together and head to school with smiles on their faces.
They get to the school and both look at each other preparing themselves for whatever new rumors or mean words will be coming their way today.
"Slut!" a voice hisses from the crowd. Jade clenches her jaw and holds her head a little higher. Jason gives her hand one quick squeeze before he heads over to his locker. Then Jade can feel it -- a magnetic tug on her attention and she turns her head to see him walking toward her.
Vincent walks towards Jade with a smirk on his face knowing that Jade still has strong feelings for him.
"Hey, Jade.. where's that thing you call a brother...hmmm….Jason is it, right?" he says looking around. Jade's eyebrows raise.
"That's none of your damn business. You lost that privilege a long time ago. Now be a man and walk away," Jade says in a low growl. Vincent looks at her in surprise, astounded by who this girl became at that moment.
She quickly walks away as if embarrassed by her own words. She walks so fast that she runs into this boy who had just come out of the office, once she looks up at him she doesn't recognize him at all, she realizes that he is probably that new kid people were talking about. He was different looking in a strangely cute way. He has dark black hair slayed to the right side of his face covering his right eye and his whole forehead, with blonde tips. He is wearing black nail polish and eyeliner. She is used to this by now, considering she did her brother's nails all the time and he wears black eyeliner to make his hazel eyes pop, though her brother has brown and teal hair. All her things fell from her backpack. She bends over to pick up her things and growls to herself in a very low voice she says, "stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid!!" Suddenly she looks up quickly feeling his eyes upon her and says to him embarrassed, "I'm so so sorry, I didn't mean to run into you."
"It's okay, you seemed in a rush. Are you late for something, class doesn't start for another 15 minutes."
Jade's face turns a beat red at the statement. She knows she was rushing away from that devil Vincent pretty fast from embarrassment. At the feeling of her face being so red all she can think of doing is stand up and run. The boy accidentally brushes his hand against hers. He doesn't seem to notice but she, for a fact, does because as soon as she feels it her body freezes. She can't run away and she can't grab what she is reaching for. With a stutter, she looks at him shyly, her black and teal hair in her face, and says, "Again, I am truly sorry I ran into you. I was in a hurry to get to my locker. My arms were getting tired of carrying my things." She turns behind her, knowing it is a lame ass excuse, just to see Vincent glaring at her then turns back to see the boy looking in her same direction.
"Was he bothering you?" The boy says in a small growl, glaring back at Vincent. She does not turn to see Vincent's reaction, but she thinks she feels his anger and feels him pulling away, no longer feeling his glare upon her.
"Oh!" Jade says with a little shock in her voice, then a stammer. "No, no. He's an ex that just loves to pester me. It….It isn't any bother though. I'm used to it and I've come to just expect it."
"Are you sure? Someone as beautiful as you shouldn't be bothered with fags like him." He looks down and smiles an amazing crooked smile at her.
Jade giggles. "Yes, I am positive."
They both stand, the boy still holding her things. "I am so sorry, where are my manners? My name is Leo. You said your arms were becoming tired correct? Where is your locker at? I want to help you carry them there."