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fake words


                            "FAKE WORDS"

        vindy called leny. "come and meet me." said vindy. "i can't they are discharging lisa and i have to take her home." told leny. "what? but it's tomorrow." said vindy. "doctor is saying that she is okay now and want change of environment so they decided to discharge her now and a nurse is also coming with us for the care."  mentioned leny. "okay i am also coming there." said vindy and cut.

      Veronica was locked in her home. she was calling someone continuously but not getting any answer. "what the hell? why is no one picking up. it's a disaster." shouted Veronica.

      lisa came back home. vindy and leny were sitting by her side. "it's okay honey! it's just little more time and you will be okay then. doctor assured that. you will be able to walk and talk and will continue your life." leny comforted lisa holding her hand. "leny come out! i wanna talk." said vindy. they went outside of the room. "what is it?"questioned leny. "first i wanna say sorry to you. secondly it's a letter for lisa. hand it over after two days. don't open it. i am trusting you" said vindy. "i dont understand. what are you sorry for? and are you going somewhere?" questioned leny in curiosity. "you will know soon what i am sorry for. it's enough for now. let's go inside." replied vindy. she went inside.

     Veronica was still trying to call someone. "hello! thank God you picked up. now listen to me carefully marry knows everything now, she has my photos and leny's but not yours. i am locked in my house. she is going to ask me everything. now tell me what should i do? you have to get me out quickly. or we will get caught" said Veronica on the phone. "hmmm tell her everything.....(haha)" mentioned someone from the other side of the call and hung up. "hello! hello! what the hell! crap!" said Veronica angrily and threw her phone on the floor.

     leny was staring at the letter vindy gave her. "what is in there? i am curious. should i open this?" said leny to himself. he kept staring and finally started unfolding the paper. "i knew you were not trustworthy" was written in it. "huh! what is this? a joke?" said leny to himself. he went to vindy and showed her the letter. "what is this?" asked leny to vindy. "ohhh so you opened it! i knew this thats why i did this." said vindy. "then why did you give it to me in first place" questioned leny. "i was bored so i did it and the real letter is with her. i already gave it to her." mentioned vindy. "you idiot!" said leny. vindy passed a taunting smile.

      next morning. marry came to Veronica. "so girl you ready to explain?" asked marry. "i don't think i have any other choice." said Veronica sadly. "so let's start and each word of yours should be truth. if i will find it a lie, you will get killed." mentioned marry. "don't worry i will not disappoint you" said Veronica in attitude. "i hope that too" said marry. "i know you are thinking that maybe i or leny killed adam but it's not that. that night after the birthday party adam was leaving. i got a phone call to distract billy." said Veronica. "so you were with him for the distraction? and call by?" asked marry. "yeah that was my job because he was not leaving. then leny with some other boys attacked adam and druged him. they took him to the bar back and dragged him to the upper room. after that leny called me and i left billy saying i was going bathroom. i went upstairs and met leny. adam was not druged properly so he tried to stood up but leny took out his gun to stop him and then i hit the rod in his head. his head started bleeding. it was going out of the plan. i started getting calls from billy because he was finding me so leny said me to shout and he escaped. after i shouted billy came upstairs. he saw him and got scared. then leny called billy to threat him that made him more scared and he left. after he left leny came back and asked me to take adam to some other location. it was someone's house. we drove there. me and leny dragged adam inside and tied him up. i got the call again to left immediately and distract lisa by making some story so she will get engaged in that." Veronica took a long breath. "it means adam was alive when billy arrived upstairs but he said me that two bullets were struck in his head? and you didn't tell me who called two times for the distraction jobs you were given." asked marry in curiosity. "billy said because when he came up i started shouting that someone shooted him in head so he thought it was true. so after that call i left leny there with him. i dont know what happened next. i started my job to distract lisa and making up stories. i also called billy once after that incident because it was part of my job too." said Veronica. "why you did this? and leny? what's the reason?" questioned marry. "i did this for money. i wanted to get revenge for my dad. and leny did this for the property." said Veronica. "what about your dad?" questioned marry. "he is known as a corrupted police officer just because of adam's father. i was getting my revenge and also money and you know everyone loves money." mentioned Veronica. "tell me the story properly!" said marry. "back in their days. my father and Mr. lodge were good friends. but then Mr. lodge destroyed it by his greed. some secrets of him were revealed to my father so he put corruption blame on him and my father kicked out of his own office." told Veronica. "what secrets?" asked marry. "i dont think that's important now because he is dead and i took my revenge by helping his adopted son to kill his real son" said Veronica. "what? leny is the adopted son?" asked marry in curiosity. "ehm that's why the whole property was on adam's name and leny wanted it." mentioned Veronica. "and he killed him?" questioned marry. "i dont think leny killed adam. he just helped like me." said Veronica. "then who?" questioned marry. "that phone call person" mentioned Veronica and laughed. "i asked who? tell me the name?" asked marry angrily. "ops i dont know" said Veronica. "miss Veronica cooper, you are under arrest for helping in murder case and for hiding the murderer's name. and i recorded each and everything you said." said marry and grabbed Veronica's hands and put handcuffs.

     at evening time. lisa called vindy's name. "what? you said something?" questioned vindy sitting beside her. "v...i...n...d...y!" said lisa difficultly. "OMG you are getting well. i am soo happy. i have alot to say before i leave. i wanted to apologise. i wanted to share my feelings. i wanted to say goodbye properly." said vindy to lisa. lisa tried to speak but couldn't. tears dropped out of lisa's eyes and she closed her eyes.