Xuan Yuanhuan’s Test

"Miss, are you opening this clinic by yourself?"

Ji Wenbin looked at Baili Hongzhuang in surprise, as she was too young.

Even if she managed to open a clinic, there would probably be no customers. After all, she would be unconvincing due to her young age.

Baili Hongzhuang slightly nodded and a confident look surfaced on her face. "That's right. There's no need to worry about business. I just arrived at the Imperial City and thus, I'm not too familiar with the area. I hope that you can introduce the place to me. And in the future, I will purchase the medicinal ingredients I need from your shop. How does that sound?"

Having heard her, Ji Wenbin nodded. "No problem! Coincidentally I know of a clinic that is for sale and if Miss Hongzhuang was to purchase it, it would save you the trouble of searching."

Baili Hongzhuang's eyes brightened. "That would be for the best."

If she were to purchase other shop spaces, she still had to spend some effort on redecoration. However, if she could directly purchase a clinic, she could save herself a lot of trouble.

"If you're interested, why don't I bring you to take a tour?" Ji Wenbin said with a smile.

"Then I'll have to thank you in advance."


Under Ji Wenbin's lead, Baili Hongzhuang arrived at the clinic that was for sale. After knowing that Baili Hongzhuang was interested in purchasing it, the old physician's attitude was evidently more enthusiastic.

The clinic was not considered big, but the layout was elegant and uncluttered, it looked very comfortable.

"This location is pretty good and coincidentally, you're also planning to open a clinic. If you were to take this clinic, some old customers of mine would still continue to visit," the old physician said.

Baili Hongzhuang nodded slightly. She was rather satisfied with the place. A decades-old clinic in the Imperial City would certainly have a certain reputation here.

Even if the old physician leaves, there would be many who would habitually visit the clinic. However, she did not have to worry about the number of customers with her skills.

Ji Wenbin obviously had a deep friendship with the old physician. With his help, Baili Hongzhuang successfully purchased the entire clinic at the price of 300 gold coins.

After which, Baili Hongzhuang returned to the General's Estate after arranging some renovations. If the progress was fast enough, the clinic could be opened for business within seven days!

Cultivation was the most important thing for Baili Hongzhuang right now and she would be redirecting all her energy on cultivating upon returning home.

The Imperial Family would organize a hunting event every other year and only three months were left right now. She had to shine in the hunting contest that was about to happen in three months.

However, before Baili Hongzhuang just started training, Blackie hastily rushed in. "Master, Baili Yuyan and Xuan Yuanhuan are coming!"

Baili Hongzhuang's eyes focused. Their sudden arrival was definitely not a good thing!

After she swiftly disguised herself, Baili Hongzhuang's appearance was restored to her previous sallow and emaciated look.


The door was roughly kicked open with a kick and the already crumbling door was broken from the strength of that kick!

"Who's there?" Baili Hongzhuang pretended not to know who had come and nervousness crept across her face.

Xuan Yuanhuan eyed the skinny, weak-looking and ugly Baili Hongzhong; his internal doubts had completely disappeared.

That girl was clearly blind so how could she be the Hong Zhuang he had met on the streets that day?

"Your Highness, what's wrong?"

Baili Yuyan looked at Xuan Yuanhuan in confusion. She originally thought that he came to look for her and had never expected him to head towards the Yaxuan Pavilion, the moment he arrived. Could it be that His Highness still had some lingering thoughts for Baili Hongzhuang?