A Hidden Miracle-Working Doctor

As soon as the phone number was removed from the black list, her phone kept beeping.

It was the same text message over and over again.

Claire counted them carefully.

There were 66 of them, and each island had a different number.

Downstairs, there was a lot of noise. The servants were packing up the gifts that Phoebe received today.

Claire turned off the phone and held a Doraemon doll into her arms, but she couldn't fall asleep, feeling a little uneasy.

The next day was a weekend.

Claire woke up early. Staying in her room, she randomly took a task from the internet whose price was 500,000 million dollars.

Invade the back-end system of a company and plant a virus.

She tapped on the keyboard with her long slender fingers, dazzlingly fast.

In just a few minutes, she earned half a million.

In a blink of an eye, however, she donated the money.