Which Two Students' Families Are You?

The man was wearing black and white sportswear, his collar raised. He had zipped his jacket up to the top, covering his neck. He was tall and slender, his long legs crossed, revealing his delicate ankles.

He was leaning on the sofa lazily, his eyebrows and eyes concealed by his soft pitch-black hair. He was holding a book, flipping through it in boredom.

His every gesture was dignified and elegant.

Gallon was a bit surprised and sat down opposite him.

The atmosphere was dull.

So he took the initiative to talk to the man. "Are you also here to participate in the sports game?"

Hearing his words, Hunter didn't even look up but gave a cold hmm, looking extremely unapproachable.

Gallon curled his lips. This guy was really arrogant.

"Are you here to keep your sister company?" he asked again.

Since he was so young, he certainly didn't come here for his daughter, right?

"Fiancée." Hunter said briefly.