First Place This Year

The shooting competition was finally over.

Only Claire and Hunter hit the target every time without a miss.

Moreover, Claire took first place in all the remaining games.

The audience cheered her more and more loudly. By the end of it, everyone was talking about her, and their feelings for her changed from contempt to admiration.

School infirmary

The school doctor Mary Davis was looking through the files. "Derek, why do you sprain your foot every time there is a sports meet at school?"

Derek cupped his face with his hands, blinked, and cracked a sweet smile. "Mary, I know you will help me. My beautiful and kind Mary, please issue a certificate for me. I'll buy you a cup of milk tea, okay?"

He tilted his head, his curly hair exuded a dazzling luster in the sun. He looked just like a cute little sheep.

Mary couldn't resist this handsome face. She sighed. "Fine, I'll issue the certificate for you…"