Can A Human Hand Move That Fast?

Upon seeing this, Ada immediately stopped them. "What happened? How is my dad?"

The nurse panted with tension. "He had a hemorrhage. He's not doing quite well."

They instantly panicked.

"What do you mean?"

"What the hell is going on? Make it clear!"

The nurse replied. "He had a massive hemorrhage. The problem is that we can't even find the wound, so the bleeding can't be stopped."

Upon hearing this, Ada and Phoebe wept their hearts out.

Allen hugged and comforted them.

At this moment, Claire, leaning against the wall, suddenly raised her eyes.

In panic, the three of them suddenly saw a figure pass by and quickly walk into the operating room.

They took a close look.

It was Claire!

The nurse hurriedly chased behind. "What are you doing? You can't enter the operating room!"

In the operating room, everyone was flustered and at a loss of what to do.