I Love My Sister

He seemed to find it hard to disclose.

After a long while, he said with difficulty, "I… I am in love with my sister."


Gallon spurted out the tea.

"Sorry, sorry…"

He quickly grabbed the handkerchief on the table to wipe it and coughed awkwardly. As a doctor, he forced himself to calm down. "You mean… your biological sister?"

"Yes, she has been living away since birth and was only brought back home some time ago."

"It's normal for you to love your sister." Gallon was ashamed of what he had thought just now.

Behind the screen, Sheldon said, "It's not the love between brothers and sisters, but… the kind of love between men and women. When I see her, I want to hold her hand, hug her, and even kiss her…"

He seemed to be too embarrassed to continue.

Gallon's mouth twitched.

Oh my god…