Photo Of The Creator Of The Gods Organization

"Test papers?" The monitor who was memorizing the vocabulary suddenly raised his head when he heard this and turned his head to look back.

In the back row, Derek was lazily leaning on the chair cross-legged. When he noticed the monitor's gaze, he suddenly met his eyes and cast a warning stare at him.

The monitor shivered with fright and hurriedly buried his head in the book. He didn't dare to speak anymore.

"Will Mr. Walker be fired?"

"Oh, please don't, boohoo…"

The gossip king put his head in from the window. "Don't worry, beauties. Mr. Walker was not fired, but was fined to go to clean up the gymnasium."

Upon hearing this, the girls breathed a sigh of relief.

Suddenly, there was a loud bang from the back row.

Everyone turned their heads only to see Derek kicking over the chair and striding out of the classroom.

In the empty gymnasium, there was only James.