Who Dares To Take Her Away!

Claire ignored her and continued. "I beat him because he broke my things. He must apologize first."

Vivian gritted her teeth and suppressed her anger. "How much money is it? I'll pay you."

"Pay me?" Claire tilted her head, and the breeze messed up her hair.

She laughed wickedly. "Okay… though I hit him, I can pay him, or I can pay more, can I hit him once more?"

"Shut up! How dare you talk to me like this?" Vivian flushed.

"Why? Did I say anything wrong?" Claire walked forward slowly, propping the coffee table with both hands. After bending down, her face almost touched hers and her aura was overwhelming.

She opened her red lips. "Or you can put a price on your life? I will pay you and then kill you, okay?"

Vivian was forced to look at the girl's eyes. They were dark, cold, and dangerous, like a bottomless abyss that she would fall into and break into pieces with the slightest carelessness.