We All Like You

Early in the morning, Claire got up.

The servants had prepared breakfast and poured hot milk for her.

"Miss Claire, will you still be residing here tonight?"


Claire just wanted to refuse.

The servant smiled and said, "It would be fine if you stay."

"Huh?" Claire raised her eyebrows. "Why?"

"When you come, the house becomes much more lively, and we all like you."

"Like me?" Claire was a little confused.

"Yes." The servant turned her head, and several servants poked their heads out of the kitchen and looked at her carefully, smiling shyly.

Claire scratched the back of her neck and blinked, feeling shy for the first time.

She seldom heard the word 'like' from other people's mouths.

What she usually got was verbal abuse.

Hunter came down from the second floor.