Offended A Big Shot

Marvin glanced at his watch. "He may be a bit late today. He accidentally fell into the sea yesterday. I heard that he was almost dead when he was rescued. I let him take a rest, but when he heard that you would come, he insisted on coming over to see you."

While they were talking, the door of the room was pushed open again.

Glen was standing outside. He was wearing a thick jacket and had wrapped himself up tightly. His face was pale, and he kept sniffling and coughing from time to time, looking very weak.

"Sorry, I'm late…" He spoke with a heavy twang.

Marvin stood up. "Come in quickly."

Glen walked into the room, raised his head, and saw Claire on the opposite side.

Claire was leaning on the chair, sitting lazily. She put the teacup next to her red lips, and gently blew on the hot liquid.