Close Your Eyes

On the roadside, Phoebe raised her head in the rain and suddenly saw a pair of deep, dark eyes.

The window of the car was rolled down halfway, and the man in the car looked sideways at her. Under his long eyelashes, his eyes were as quiet and mysterious as the night and seemed to suck her in. At a corner of his eye, there was a little mole, adding to his charm.

Phoebe's heart suddenly missed a beat, and she hurriedly wiped the rain off her face with her sleeve.

Hunter quickly looked away, and frowned. He became a little impatient. "Hurry up."

Mr. Hopkins felt a little sympathy for the girl. "The little girl is so pitiful. May I give her something to keep out the rain?"

Hunter threw him a sideways glance. "Don't be nosy."

Mr. Hopkins smiled awkwardly and looked around, but he only found an old coat belonging to Hunter.

He picked up the coat, rushed out of the car, and ran to Phoebe in the rain.