Killing Two Birds With One Stone

Phoebe rushed over and hugged Ada, crying and begging. "Mom, I really like him. If I can't marry him, I won't get married in this life. Please help me!"

Listening to her crying so miserably, Ada felt her heart ache.

Since her little Phoebe was born, when did she cry so miserably?

"Okay, okay. Don't cry." In the end, Ada surrendered and took out a tissue to wipe her tears. "There is a way."

Upon hearing this, Phoebe stopped crying in an instant and her teary eyes glowed with joy. She couldn't wait to ask. "What is it? Mom, tell me!"

Ada took her to sit down by the bed and lowered her voice. "The best way is that you get close to Hunter and attract him into loving you. If he insists on marrying you, no one dares to object."

Phoebe's eyes lit up.

Yes, regardless of whether she or Claire was engaged to Hunter, the key person was Hunter. He would just marry the girl he liked!

"Mom, what should I do?"