Gouge Out Their Own Eyes

"Poor Miss Garcia never woke up from that hypnosis. When she died, she was only twenty years old. At such a young age, she died miserably due to this scum…" The man's voice was a little choked. "The Garcias were too kind and didn't hold Gallon accountable, so he only had his doctor's qualification certificate revoked. From then on, he was like a mouse crossing the street and was spit on by everyone."

Henry frowned and stared at Gallon in the distance, remaining silent for a long time.

On the sofa, Gallon suddenly elbowed Claire. "Look."

Claire opened her eyes and followed Gallon's sight.

In the distance, a conspicuous figure stood amidst the surging crowd.

He was a tall and slender man with exquisite facial features. He was slightly tilting his head as if listening to others. He had a noble temperament and his eyes were covered by white silk.

Gallon smiled and said, "He's a member of the Menglai Clan."

Claire looked at the man carefully.