Claire Takes First Place

Mr. Jones was very anxious. "Claire, don't mess around!"

Claire only glanced at him. "Go down, Mr. Jones. I know what I'm doing."


Looking at her deep dark eyes, for some reason, Mr. Jones believed this girl.

He turned and left the stage.

The students immediately surrounded him.

"Mr. Jones, you can't let her mess around!"

"Yes, this concerns the honor of our class."

At this time, the light dimmed, and only a beam of light fell on Claire.

She slowly closed her eyes and gently opened her red lips.

"As the waves silently submerged the night and filled the corners at the end of the sky, the big fish swam through the cracks in the dream."

All the noises stopped abruptly at this moment.

Everyone was stunned.

The judges' eyes lit up.

Ethereal and dreamy, her voice seemed to be coming from the valley, drifting with the wind, and then knocking on the eardrum, reaching the deepest part of one's heart.