My Name Is Dora Johnson

Very good.

So he was not going to tell her the truth?

Claire stood up, propped her hands against the table, and slowly moved closer to Mr. Hopkins.

Then she narrowed her eyes and cracked a wicked smile. "You'd better not let me find any clues."

With that, she kicked the chair away with her toes, turned, and left.

When she walked out of the gate of the Johnsons' villa, Derek happened to return back at the same time.

"Hi, Claire…"

He was about to greet her, but Claire passed by him expressionlessly.

Seeing the girl walking away hurriedly, Derek was confused. "What's the matter? Did Hunter annoy her again?"

Mr. Hopkins was packing up the tea set. "Miss Claire… may have noticed something."

When Derek heard it, his face darkened and his eyes turned gloomy. The usual smile disappeared from his face.

Claire walked out of the Johnsons' villa.

This was the private villa area, and the straight road was empty.