I'm Here To Make Peace With You

The whole class was silent.

Unable to bear such humiliation, Phoebe shed tears incessantly. She got up, and ran out of the classroom.

"Phoebe!" Her deskmate hurriedly chased her behind.

The two ran to the bathroom and deleted the anonymous post with trembling hands.

Dora sat back, cupping her small face, and smiled silly at Claire. "Am I awesome?"

Claire didn't say a word but smiled back at her.


Dora turned on the phone and snorted. "Cowards! They deleted the post so soon."

Derek held his chin and poked her shoulder with a pen. "Hey, where are you from?"

Dora took a sip of calcium milk to moisten her throat. "What do you mean?"

Playing dumb?

Derek sneered. "There is only one Johnsons in the entire capital. Where did you come from?"

"My surname is Johnson. What's wrong with that?" Dora straightened up, looking very proud.

Someone cut in. "Are you Mr. Johnson's illegitimate daughter?"