Are You Gay?

Henry stood up and stretched out a hand to Gallon. "Hi, Gallon, it's been a long time."

Gallon ignored him and took Claire's hand to leave the place.

Henry suddenly stopped Claire and said with a smile, "Miss Claire, do you really dare to associate with this kind of person? My old classmate killed someone with hypnotism."

Gallon paused, then suddenly turned his head and stared at Henry. "Shut up!"

Henry ignored him and just looked at Claire. "Aren't you afraid of being hypnotized by him and never waking up? If you have any issues, I can provide you with the most comprehensive treatment."

"I said shut up!" Gallon rushed to Henry with a dash and violently grabbed his collar.

The cup was knocked to the ground and smashed into pieces. Making a loud bang, it broke the silence in the cafe.

The guests in the cafe looked at them.

Henry remained calm and unhurried, staring at Gallon, with a cold smile on his lips.