You Ruined Our Family's Reputation!

After the dinner, a group of people walked out of the restaurant together, got in the car, and each went back to their own homes.

Derek crouched beside the trash can and vomited.

Dora was also drunk. In a drunken fit, she was hanging onto Claire like a koala and kept shouting in her ear. "Mummy… my mummy… hee hee…"

Claire stared at the sky, expressionless.

The child is out of her mind.

Soon a car pulled up in front of them. The door was opened and a handsome man stepped out.

Dora immediately pounced on the man, slipped into his arms, and smiled stupidly. "Rickie… my dear Rickie…"

The man lifted her up sideways, glanced at Yunci with his calm eyes, and said concisely, "I'll take her away."

Claire raised her eyebrows. "Are you her guardian?"

"Sort of." The man took Dora in his arms and walked toward the car.