I Can Be Your Mother

Sheldon glanced at his watch.

If it weren't for the fear that this fool would get into an accident, he would have left right away.

"Do you think I'll let you go if you don't talk?" Hunter suddenly lunged to his feet, propping the table with both hands. The frenzy in his eyes was shooting out.

Other guests were eyeing them with curiosity.

"Hunter Johnson!"

At this moment, the door of the cafe was pushed open, and a figure hurried forward, grabbing his arm.

Hunter turned his head and saw Claire hurry over. In an instant, his cold eyes turned into a pool of spring water. "Claire…"

Claire ignored him and said to Sheldon, her voice still cold. "Thank you."

This was the first time the two had talked after the incident.

Sheldon looked away, too shy to look at her. "It's okay…"

"I'll take him away." Claire dragged Hunter out of the cafe.