A Wheel Fight

John took out his cell phone. "Girl, can you give me your contact information? I'll send you the time and address later."

Evans shielded Claire behind him. "What do you mean? Are you trying to snatch her from me? Don't forget, she is my granddaughter!"

John said angrily, "So what? Is it a big deal?"

"Yes, it is!" Evans yelled. "She's my granddaughter, not yours!"

The two old men began to quarrel like kids again.

Phoebe didn't even eat lunch. She just wanted to go home as soon as possible.

Every second of staying here made her feel tormented.

She walked out of the gate, only to run into Claire.

Phoebe couldn't help cursing her. "B*tch!"

Claire glanced at her sharply. "Do you wanna die?"

Phoebe roared hysterically. "Am I wrong? You must have learned Go secretly in private, but pretended not to have learned it at all!"