Get Out Of Here

Gallon didn't use navigation and seemed familiar with the roads.

Claire leaned against the seat, with her head propped in a hand. Her eyes were narrowed, almost dozing facing the car window.

No one spoke.

The atmosphere in the car was stifling. It was dead silent.

Soon, the car stopped in front of the Garcias' house.

Claire took the lead to get out of the car, while Gallon was still sitting inside, looking up at the second floor of the villa through the car window.

The sunshine was so dazzling that his eyes soured.

In a daze, he saw a beautiful girl standing on the balcony. The girl in a white dress poked her head out and curled her lips. Her smile was brighter than the warm sun and her voice was melodious and sweet.

She called him over and over again. "Dr. Miller… Dr. Miller…"

Claire suddenly knocked on the car window.