Don't Touch My Claire

Spark didn't speak and picked himself up with difficulty. He took three steps and knelt again, his pupils trembling fiercely due to pain.

In the end, he could no longer stand and almost crawled forward, but he still managed to finish kneeling on those more than a thousand steps.

When he arrived at the gate of Gold Chime Temple, Noah hurriedly helped him up.

The skin and flesh of his knees were mangled, with gravel and sand embedded in. Even white bones were faintly visible, and the blood was trickling down his legs to the ground.

Spark pushed Noah away and stumbled into the temple gate.

A huge Buddha statue stood inside.

He knelt down with a plop and straightened his waist. He raised his head, stared at the Buddha statue rebelliously, and said sternly, "Listen carefully, if there is retribution for me, put it on me. Don't touch my Claire!"

Noah paced back and forth in anxiety outside.