Have You Ever Eaten Human Flesh?

Noah was shocked.


Such a little kid?!

Spark glanced at her and said indifferently, "Throw her out."

"Wait." A cold voice rang.

Standing on the stairs, Claire looked at Spark earnestly. "I want to save her."

Spark walked quickly towards Claire and pulled her hair behind her ears, his eyes tender. "OK, but she can't stay in You Palace. I will arrange a place for her and have a servant take care of her. "

He never refused Claire's request.

Spark arranged a small apartment outside.

Claire went with him.

In the room, the little girl woke up quietly.

Her skinny body was curled up into a ball, looking at them with her watery eyes. Her pupils were bright and clear, full of fear and panic.

Sitting opposite her, Claire casually crossed her legs and asked lazily. "What's your name?"

"Amelia…" the little girl said tremblingly, her voice weak.