I'll Redeem Him

Only then did Eugene recover from the shock and started to sing, his voice trembling a little.

His eyes turned moist as he sang.

Although he was not a famous actor, there was a girl standing in the heavy rain, listening to him sing.

The girl was wearing a veil, looking at him under the stage. When the eyes met, even the sound of rain had become gentle.

This person, like his savior, was more important than ten thousand audiences alone.

Holding up the umbrella, Claire stood in the rain and quietly listened to him from beginning to end, without any impatience.

At the end of the performance, Eugene wanted to step down the stage to thank her.

But the girl disappeared in a blink of an eye.

A week later, the weather cleared up.

In the troupe, Eugene was lying on the ground, clutching the trouser legs of the head, and roared desperately. "No, Head, you can't sell me!"