Gods Organization Was Created By You

Claire came to Noah's residence and rang the doorbell.

Noah opened the door, somewhat surprised. "Why did you come to me suddenly?"

Claire narrowed her eyes and looked at her. She was more mature and experienced than three years ago.

"I have a few things to ask you."

"Come in." Noah led Claire into the house and went to the kitchen to make a pot of tea.

Claire sat down on the sofa and followed Noah's figure with a probing gaze. "Three years ago, why did you kidnap me from my home and take me to the desert in the East Continent?"


The teacup slipped from Noah's hand, fell to the ground, and smashed to pieces.

She looked at Claire incredulously, looking a little excited. "You… remember everything?"

"Yes." Claire leaned back, her voice cold. "I need to know the entire truth now."